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Thread: Has anyone else tested positive for h plyori?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Has anyone else tested positive for h plyori?

    I've been complaining of various symptoms since March to my GP.. it was all anxiety, so they said. I've been getting awful chest and tummy pains, reflux, bad radiating indigestion etc etc. Anyways the dr tested me for h plyori infection & it was positive, so she thinks this is the cause of my problems.

    I have a phobia of tablets/medications and I've now got to take 3x antibiotics and 1x lansoprazole AM and PM for a week. So an extra 8 pills a day, 10 in total for me and it's making me feel very anxious. I did manage all AM pills today barring one Amoxicillin as I didn't realise I needed to take 2.

    I googled for experiences, what to expect.. it's people just moaning their treatment didn't work etc. But then I realised most people just leave reviews etc to complain.. was wondering if anyone here could share their experience with h plyori and treatment? How long improvement took etc. I'm going to try my hardest to persevere as my symptoms have been hard to live with.
    If you can't handle me, that makes two of us.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Has anyone else tested positive for h plyori?

    My wife did. Had to take round of antibiotics which made things a bit worse initially but it got better. I think it depends on the severity of the infection and the individual but for her, it was a couple of weeks before things really returned to normal. So just know your body will find its way through and its normal to feel a bit yuck for a while.

    Positive thoughts
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Re: Has anyone else tested positive for h plyori?

    Yes, I had it about 18 years ago and had the triple treatment and it worked. You must complete all the meds to eradicate this bacterium, don't even bother reading reviews! You can be retested after about 2 years (check as this may have changed).
    Having the treatment did not help my stomach issues, they were still the same afterwards. I have low stomach acid so apple cider vinegar in warm water every morning is a must and taking digestive enzymes with meals. Going gluten free is another measure that's really helped.

    Since this I've had a couple of gastroscopies where they've biopsied bits from my stomach and it's all clear of H-Pylori (and anything else).
    If you are one of the lucky souls allowed to enter NZ at this time please remember two things:

    1. We did the hard months in lockdown abiding by rules for you to get here.
    2. No one gives a shit if you prefer white towels or hotels with sea views.
    You're in quarantine for fourteen days ...obey the rules.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Re: Has anyone else tested positive for h plyori?

    Thanks for your replies guys I'm glad the treatments have worked. I'm day 5 now and I've noticed a difference, the pain is still there but it's a lot more dull now and is worse when I'm hungry so I'm trying to remember to eat little and often.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Has anyone else tested positive for h plyori?

    I hope you don't mind me asking but what type of test did you have for the h.pylori? I had one a few months ago and had to blow through a straw into 2 different test tubes. All it left was condensation! The nurse even laughed and couldn't work it out. Apparently I was clear but I still have constant reflux and pain in my chest when eating.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Re: Has anyone else tested positive for h plyori?

    Quote Originally Posted by mjh74 View Post
    I hope you don't mind me asking but what type of test did you have for the h.pylori? I had one a few months ago and had to blow through a straw into 2 different test tubes. All it left was condensation! The nurse even laughed and couldn't work it out. Apparently I was clear but I still have constant reflux and pain in my chest when eating.
    Mine tested positive in an H-Pylori blood test.
    If you are one of the lucky souls allowed to enter NZ at this time please remember two things:

    1. We did the hard months in lockdown abiding by rules for you to get here.
    2. No one gives a shit if you prefer white towels or hotels with sea views.
    You're in quarantine for fourteen days ...obey the rules.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    Re: Has anyone else tested positive for h plyori?

    Yes, I have been diagnosed with it and still have it. I had my Gallbladder removed 12 months ago and about 3 months after noticed some discomfort. I was referred to a GI Specialist for an Endoscopy after testing positive. Unfortunately for me I'm allergic to Penicillin and the other drugs used in the triple therapy, the strain i have isresistant to them.

    I was given a PPI and changed my diet up a little, I also take Apple Cider Vinegar in the morning and a pro biotic.

    The Endoscopy result was good, with no damage or Ulcers found. The GI said some people dont even worry with treatment if they have no history of ulcers or stomach cancer.

    My GP said I could get desensitised to the antibiotic, but we will wait till this Covid stuff settles down... Maybe see an Immunologist and get rid of it for good but might need a small hospital stay as the allergic reaction was severe when I was younger.

    I was diagnosed after some Gastritis episodes by blood test and then sent to the GI.

    Last edited by goodman; 09-07-20 at 08:18. Reason: Spelling

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