I'm pretty sure there's some people here that already guessed that.

It all started some weeks back. I was discussing on an Aspergers forum. I wanted to know why sometimes I'm on cloud nine, but other times I'm down in the dumps. More specifically ... for a week or so I can be on a high. Super confident. Super positive. The world is my oyster type of thing. Some of you remember me wanting to join the army right? That was hypomanic episode apparently.

I've just recently came down from a hypomania episode. I was juggling 3 projects, plus doing my hobbies (photography, music, video recording, voiceovers). I was cramming so much into each day that I hardly slept. I felt so high and confident. Obtaining knowledge was more important than sleeping. My brain just couldn't shut off.

And then the crash came. So I called my doctor, and I explained that I think I'm having hypomanic episodes. I explained in detail like I did on the AS forum. He agreed that it's no manic episodes, but more than likely hypomania. Because my mental health team are still in charge of my drugs (I know right?!) he can't prescribe anything and this has to go through them and I'm going to need to attend the mental hospital to see my doctors. They won't do a home visit because of COVID and they're running on low resources at the minute.

So yeah. Not really nothing unexpected. I'm going to learn how to deal with the crashes, or take more meds.

@Pulsia ... is this something common with AS? When I Googled hypomania it said Bipolar, but I don't have Bipolar. A lot of people on the AS forum said they have the same problem but I can't find anything that links it with AS or the spectrum.