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Thread: Adjusting to working in the public again?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2016

    Adjusting to working in the public again?

    Hey guys! So my old account some of you may recognize, UserName16. I had reset my password awhile back and it was many random numbers and stuff I had in my notes, well I accidentally deleted the note off my phone! And my email attached to my account I had recently deleted as I was getting a lot of horrible and vulgar spam every minute in it! So that led me to have to make a new one, just wanted to clarify that right off the bat! I decided to name it UserName20 since when I made my old account I was 16 and I’m 20 now! Ha!

    I started my medicine about a week and a half ago, and I can say that I have felt improvement! I know the effects take a couple of weeks to kick in, but I am honestly not sure if it is the medicine or if I have been able to overpower my anxiety a bit on my own, but I have felt much calmer! I have gone days without worry! Well, there will be little worries, but it is like I can think more rationally about them. Hoping it continues. I have another appointment in a couple of weeks for my doctor to determine the effectiveness and if she should up my dosage, but I am honestly pretty proud of myself. Just wanted to first share some positive! I feel like it’s been awhile since I have been able to! She does want to me to consider having therapy at some point in the future instead of just relying on medicine.

    Next, I recently returned back to work as a cashier. There are x marks where customers are supposed to stand, but none do, most come directly up to me very close. Next, the place I work requires masks, but most people have it pulled down under their nose, or all the way down to their chin or even completely off. Many people come through coughing, and it seems like the one’s who sound sick are the ones who can’t seem to wear it properly! And I understand that some have breathing problems, but I just wish that those who are able to wear it properly would and would be more considerate. I had one guy today with the mask in his hand, waving it around while he hacked and kept telling his friend “I gotta get out of here, man!” He also made a “she will pay dearly.” Comment as he left! Not sure what that was about!

    I use hand sanitizer constantly, I wear my mask correctly, I wash my hands when I go on break and after I clock out. I come home and disinfect my keys and phone, I immediately throw all of my clothes and mask in the wash and I shower and wash my hair and change into fresh clothes. I am doing everything i can to stay safe. I know as with everything that I should focus on things in this situation that I can control. I am just wondering how others who deal with the public deal with the stress. Being around coughing people all day does really bother me and kind of wear me down.

    Hope you are all doing well and staying safe.
    Last edited by UserName20; 03-07-20 at 03:43.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2016

    Re: Adjusting to working in the public again?

    Well I never stopped working. Never worked from home. Don't wear a mask unless I'm told I can't get my lunch if I don't. I don't spray or wipe (well I do wipe... just not surfaces) anything. And I got 30 years on you. Believe me with everything you are doing it's probably one in a million you will ever get the virus, especially being just 20 years old. I'm glad you're doing well and you sound very positive. Welcome back to the site... and the workforce!


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Adjusting to working in the public again?

    I'm in essential services and have been working the entire time. Both my wife and I have pre-existing conditions. We wear masks in public. We're required to wear masks at work but like you, some don't wear them properly nor heed social distancing guidelines. Management is doing their best to enforce it but they can't be watching everyone, every minute of the day. We're allowed to take them down if we're at our workstation and at least 6 feet away from anyone else. The company has provided the resources to help protect us.... Sneeze guards, sanitizer and wipes and we have a cleaning crew that comes in twice a day to wipe everything down. We make it clear when confirming appointments that masks are required. We have signage saying masks are required but we cannot refuse entry if someone doesn't have one.

    That said, its still stressful. Dealing with the public and those that don't wear a mask and spew the idiocy that this is a hoax or a conspiracy by the government to control us etc. etc. is maddening. It takes every fiber of my being not to slap them upside the head!

    All you can do is your part to protect yourself and others. Its about common sense and consideration for others. Sadly, those that refuse to do their part lack those essential human qualities.

    Positive thoughts
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

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