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Thread: Covid 19 test.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2018

    Covid 19 test.

    Hey everyone, my son whos 17 months came down with a huge temp last night and policy apas is everyone has to be tested in the house so me, his Dad and my son have been tested today now im petrified. Although my son has been seen by a doctor and gave antibiotics for his slight ear infection so hopefully its just that.. but how the hell am i going to function now untill the tests are back in 48 hours :( im so scared it will be positive and i wont cope. Me and his Dad do not have temps or any symptoms luckily. Im just at a loss at the moment my anxiety is awful and thid has made it 10 x worse unfortunately!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Covid 19 test.

    Quote Originally Posted by xleax View Post
    Hey everyone, my son whos 17 months came down with a huge temp last night and policy apas is everyone has to be tested in the house so me, his Dad and my son have been tested today now im petrified. Although my son has been seen by a doctor and gave antibiotics for his slight ear infection so hopefully its just that.. but how the hell am i going to function now untill the tests are back in 48 hours :( im so scared it will be positive and i wont cope. Me and his Dad do not have temps or any symptoms luckily. Im just at a loss at the moment my anxiety is awful and thid has made it 10 x worse unfortunately!
    I know the wait will be hard, but it's very unlikely. It also seems like young people are less likely to become infected. Where have you been that you could have gotten it?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Covid 19 test.

    I have 2 friends who recently came down with a horrific fever and flu symptoms.. both tested negative.

    I'm afraid this is now our reality, we get sick, it's assumed to be covid until proven otherwise.

    I hope you get your results soon, waiting for test results is my nemesis.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2018

    Re: Covid 19 test.

    Thank you both for replying, we havent been nowhere apart from since we are allowed a support bubble weve been to my Mothers house who may i add is vulnerable so i highly doubt it would be from there but i have parcels shopping delivered. I really do hope its negative im praying. The waits the worst part i should no by saturday !

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Covid 19 test.


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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2018

    Re: Covid 19 test.

    Update. Our tests were negative. Thankfully but now i dont ubderstand why i feel the way i do :( weak etc think its in my head as usual.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Re: Covid 19 test.

    Quote Originally Posted by xleax View Post
    Update. Our tests were negative. Thankfully but now i dont ubderstand why i feel the way i do :( weak etc think its in my head as usual.
    Well that's good news

    ask yourself why you feel like you do its been an anxious wait for you and as you said you where petrified, put it all together you need to try and relax as much as you can essentially as its positive news xx

    best wishes

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2018

    Re: Covid 19 test.


    Great to hear it was negative. How do you feel now?

    I had covid in January and have just been in contact with a positive case and I have been feeling so so anxious about it, and I've managed to give myself all sorts of symptoms from tiredness and achiness to a full on blocked nose! I was convinced I had it but I've had 2 PCRs and countless LFTs all negative. Now I think I just coincidentally picked up a cold and my anxiety had made symptoms worse!

    Other illnesses do exist, and anxiety can cause a lot of flu like symptoms as well. That's what I'm taking home from all of this!

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