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Thread: Staycations due to pandemic

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Staycations due to pandemic

    When I popped into my local Co-op store late afternoon today to pick up some grub for our evening meal tonight, I noticed on the front page of one of today's papers (can't remember exactly which one as I only caught a very quick glimpse of it from a distance), it said that UK holiday parks are having record bookings this year due to Europe being in the grip of COVID chaos.

    Personally I think the powers that be acted too prematurely by letting people start to have holidays abroad again so soon, especially as we're still far from out of the woods as far as the CV pandemic is concerned, and people constantly toing and froing between different countries is still very much a recipe for a possible mass infection relapse IMO.

    There are still plenty of great things and places to enjoy in this country, which could very well make a nice change from multiple trips to countries like Spain every year, which seems to have become a rite of passage for many over the past 30 years or so.

    Any thoughts?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Staycations due to pandemic

    Of course holidays in foreign climes used to be considered de rigeur in the pre-Covid days of Austerity and ahem..Deprivation.

    The horrors of a staycation in Blighty may only be acceptable now because there's no other option-unless you enjoy risk-taking-but I'm looking forward to a night in Weymouth in September. I'm looking forward to exploring the Jurassic Coast briefly and hopefully finding a fossil or two to feel at home..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Re: Staycations due to pandemic

    Oh I LOVE Weymouth! We went last summer & it’s such a lovely town.
    I’m off to the Isle of Wight this year.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Staycations due to pandemic

    I've never been to Weymouth before, Scass so new territory! Thanks for the recommendation!

    I hope you have a lovely holiday and do visit Monkey Haven if you can?! My daughter sponsors a javan langur called Wheat there!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Staycations due to pandemic

    Quote Originally Posted by pulisa View Post
    I've never been to Weymouth before, Scass so new territory! Thanks for the recommendation!

    I hope you have a lovely holiday and do visit Monkey Haven if you can?! My daughter sponsors a javan langur called Wheat there!
    The beach at Weymouth is really lovely. Sandy and with quite a calm sea. There are loads of little shops & cafes too.

    Edit: and yes! I will look into Monkey Haven. X

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  6. #6
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    Mar 2020

    Re: Staycations due to pandemic

    Quote Originally Posted by pulisa View Post
    Of course holidays in foreign climes used to be considered de rigeur in the pre-Covid days of Austerity and ahem..Deprivation.

    The horrors of a staycation in Blighty may only be acceptable now because there's no other option-unless you enjoy risk-taking-but I'm looking forward to a night in Weymouth in September. I'm looking forward to exploring the Jurassic Coast briefly and hopefully finding a fossil or two to feel at home..
    Regarding your first paragraph, it's kind of ironic that in the 'austere' and 'deprived' pre-Corona days that many people (across the entire political and social spectra) managed to splash out grands on foreign holidays abroad, sometimes more than once per year, but keep belly-aching about both themselves and the UK as a whole being increasingly hard-up, and viewing the general quality of life in those foreign destinations with rose-tinted specs.

    Funny how many were (pre-Corona) forever travelling abroad and inadvertently boosting those respective countries' economies but constantly bemoaning this country going to the dogs and being a pale shadow of its former self. Smacks of self-inflicted declinism IMO.

    Hope you enjoy your trip to Weymouth in September, Pulisa.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Staycations due to pandemic

    Thank you, Lencoboy and Scass

    One good thing about this lockdown has been forcing people to be less greedy and materialistic and to be grateful for the small things in life. Are holidays a luxury or a necessity?

    I remember going to the South Coast with my parents as a child-the only time I really saw my dad as he was a workaholic! Going to a different country wasn't ever discussed in the Dark Ages and I don't feel I missed out. When my children were young we went to Westward Ho! in North Devon-it was hard work with 2 on the autistic spectrum but enjoyable in a special way and I often think back to those times because they were happy, uncomplicated days...Now it's very different of course.

    I'd love to be free to go on a staycation now but am very grateful to be going on an overnighter to Weymouth. I'd like to explore Yorkshire too on a road trip..One day I will! There are so many good destinations in the UK so why can't people settle for a holiday here without risking so much by travelling abroad at this dodgy and unpredictable time?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Re: Staycations due to pandemic

    Funny that I happened upon this thread...

    so I live in Kansas - dead center of the US. To reach a coastline, it’s a minimum 15 hour drive for me. I’m actually really scared of flying. I’ve flown a couple times and just had horrid anxiety the whole time. So, I always base my vacations on where I can drive to, and have been all over the states.

    this whole pandemic is changing my views on things. My husband and I have spent our non working hours watching all kinds of travel documentaries on Netflix and YouTube. We’ve decided that after Covid is a thing of the past, we’re taking our first big trip as a couple (10 years this October). We’re going to Ireland and Scotland. Big flight but I’m willing to do it. And really I can’t wait. I want to explore all of Europe (never been outside of US) but I think starting in a mostly English speaking place is a good start. I do speak French but don’t know how useful that would be outside of France really. So any tips from those across the pond would be amazing and greatly appreciated!!

    so, not a staycation - but genuinely looking forward to a real vacation!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Staycations due to pandemic

    I think it's a good thing. I expect many write it off simply because it's not exotic or a bragging right.

    Lyme Regis is nice, as are the surrounding towns. They remind me of my childhood and the days before it was all about stag & hen parties or theme parks at these places. We used to go to Rhyl and Blackpool. Whilst we would enjoy going in the slots for a bit their was much more around but these places have gone downhill badly.

    In Lyme Regis there is a nice shop near the beach that sells what have been found. Some are huge. Rock & gem shops are a nice walk around (I remember one in Glastonbury that had a top shelf full of solid gemstone dildos )

    I think it's nice to pick an area to explore and rent a cottage.
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Re: Staycations due to pandemic

    Quote Originally Posted by glassgirlw View Post
    Funny that I happened upon this thread...

    so I live in Kansas - dead center of the US. To reach a coastline, it’s a minimum 15 hour drive for me. I’m actually really scared of flying. I’ve flown a couple times and just had horrid anxiety the whole time. So, I always base my vacations on where I can drive to, and have been all over the states.

    this whole pandemic is changing my views on things. My husband and I have spent our non working hours watching all kinds of travel documentaries on Netflix and YouTube. We’ve decided that after Covid is a thing of the past, we’re taking our first big trip as a couple (10 years this October). We’re going to Ireland and Scotland. Big flight but I’m willing to do it. And really I can’t wait. I want to explore all of Europe (never been outside of US) but I think starting in a mostly English speaking place is a good start. I do speak French but don’t know how useful that would be outside of France really. So any tips from those across the pond would be amazing and greatly appreciated!!

    so, not a staycation - but genuinely looking forward to a real vacation!!
    I love that you’ve been making plans.

    I sort of thought I knew how big the US was, but 15 hours to the coast is huge!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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