My whole life, I have been the subject of people not liking me. I’ve never figured out why, even when I’ve asked. But people just don’t treat me well, and that’s an understatement, they’ve been viscous. Constant bullying in school, no one to talk to, even at my job it’s like that - not the bullying, but I’m always outside looking in. In turn, this has caused me to trust absolutely no one. People wonder why I am the way that I am, and it’s because of my past experience with literally everyone in my life treating me like a second class person. And the few people I do try talking to just don’t show any interest. I’m so sick of it, and I have been single for about 10 years now, and it’s so lonely, yeah 10 years. I do like my alone time, but I would like to spend some time with someone, but no one takes an interest. I’ve wondered what my purpose is here if I’ll always be alone, because it’s torture. Does anyone else know what this is like?