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Thread: Worrying about having to get blood tests

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Worrying about having to get blood tests

    I have some blood tests coming up next week. Some people might remember that back in the winter I had blood tests and they came back with very low white blood count. It turned out to be a virus and it went back to normal but I had to wait two weeks for the results and it almost gave me a breakdown. Now my Dr has referred me for tests because of ongoing cyclic pain which she thinks is probably hormonal but she wants to make sure. So now I'm freaking out about having these tests done in case it shows something awful. Not only that but I also randomly have huge bruises appearing on my legs so it's set me off worrying about leukaemia again despite my clear tests in December as that was eight months ago.
    My husband is really unsupportive and it makes me sad that he expects me to listen to him go on and on about his own issues but doesn't want to know when it comes to my anxiety. I appreciate that it's frustrating and I go over the same thing time and time again. But still, it's hard to be in a situation where the person who you would hope would be supportive doesn't get it at all. I'd be happy if he would try to understand my anxiety. I appreciate that he doesn't want to hear me talk about symptoms. I only feel that the only people who can understand are those who go through this themselves.
    I have to go on Wednesday for blood tests as that's when we are back from our holiday. I am dreading getting that call from the Dr that they have found something bad.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Worrying about having to get blood tests

    You have HA, Cattia so you will dread that potential phone call from the Dr every time you have any sort of test. Why not just accept that fact and have the blood tests? You fear you have leukaemia again and also ovarian cancer? The only way to make any progress re your fears is to have the tests, bear the anxiety of waiting and see what the results are..If you back out of the tests you'll just be ruminating on the what ifs etc etc. Nothing awful has ever come of your health fears but I'm sure you anticipate the worst with this new lot of bloods because that's how HA works..

    I hope you soon get your results and that you can take a break from the health worries to relax a bit over the Summer..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: Worrying about having to get blood tests

    Cattia, waiting on test results can be nerve wreaking but you tested clear in December so you'll likely test clear again, its understandable to be worried but try and distract yourself as much as possible and of course you can vent on here whilst awaiting the results. Sorry your SO isn't supportive, do you have anyone else in your life that can help you through these next few weeks, to be there with you and put your mind at ease?
    “Just because I can’t explain the feelings causing my anxiety, doesn’t make them less valid.”

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: Worrying about having to get blood tests

    Thank you both. I am going in the morning to get the test done. My Dr also ordered an ultrasound and I have the appointment for that on Friday. I am worrying that it’s come though so quickly as of course I’m thinking it’s because she flagged it as urgent, but at least I don’t have to take time off work for it as I am on holiday until August 12th. I’m going to try my best to stay calm and think to myself that at least whatever the outcome I will know, but it’s hard not to keep ruminating on the worst case scenarios.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2016

    Re: Worrying about having to get blood tests

    Quote Originally Posted by cattia View Post
    Thank you both. I am going in the morning to get the test done. My Dr also ordered an ultrasound and I have the appointment for that on Friday. I am worrying that it’s come though so quickly as of course I’m thinking it’s because she flagged it as urgent, but at least I don’t have to take time off work for it as I am on holiday until August 12th. I’m going to try my best to stay calm and think to myself that at least whatever the outcome I will know, but it’s hard not to keep ruminating on the worst case scenarios.
    How did your ultrasound go? And if you don’t mind me asking, when you say cyclical pain do you mean period type pain and when in your cycle do you normally get it?

    For years I would get period pain exactly 7 days before my period was due, it would only last for that day and then would go away until my period started. However, the last few months the pain has started earlier and earlier before my period is due, so that I have been getting period pain 10 or 11 days before my period starts and it lasts for around 6 days (and is more intense), then goes away until my period starts. I also had a tiny bit of spotting mid cycle which I hadn’t had before. So I spoke to my dr and he arranged an ultrasound (pelvic and transvaginal) and they found a couple of endometrial polyps in my womb. So my dr then referred me on an urgent 2 week basis to see specialist at hospital. They removed them on Thursday - Dr said that most polyps are benign but they have to send biopsy off to lab to test. So I’m waiting on my results.

    Apparently polyps can cause pain, so I don’t know if it’s that which was causing mine

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