Anyone else been feeling (non-CV related) intermittently 'unwell' since the lockdown but can't put their finger on why?

I have had spells of just feeling grotty - odd muscle aches and pains, sometimes just feeling hot flashes, digestive system gone haywire, noticing hay fever symptoms more this year, and just in general feeling like my whole system is out of whack.

Suppose working from home for the last 4 months hasn't helped - not using my work desk, working on laptop and not my work PC, and I miss my daily walks to and from the office.

Trying to keep to a work schedule and get out every day for a 20-minute walk and other odd trips, but it isn't the same. Also at times just feeling mentally and physically 'done in', and the depression and anxiety just hovering in the background - which I haven't had like this for quite a while. Fibro symptoms also exacerbating.

Just wondering if anyone else has been affected in this way? This lockdown has been a lousy experience I have to say.