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Thread: Strings of palpitations. Please help very defeated. Advice?

  1. #1

    Unhappy Strings of palpitations. Please help very defeated. Advice?

    Hi all,

    I'm having a rough day today unfortunately. A little background. I've been dealing with since last September an increase in PVCs. I used to get almost none and at it's worst in the winter I ended up getting 30 or more a day. I know that doesn't seem like many but it was enough to cause me a lot of concern and some unimaginable anxiety.

    Fast forward to now and my PVCs have gotten less frequent however within the last month I've started to randomly get what feels like a string of PVCs that last around 10 seconds or less. I was coming to terms with getting just regular old PVCs here and there and worked extremely hard emotionally to try and put those behind me. I exercise every day. I'm a healthy weight and normal vitals and cholesterol. I eat healthy.

    On top of this I've had what I can imagine is almost every heart test under the sun including, ECG, 24 hour holter, echocardiogram, chest CT with contrast for lungs, and even an MRI of my heart with contrast to check for late gadolinium enhancement. All 100% normal aside from what appears to be a congenital right bundle branch block and half of left.

    However these strings of PVCs that last 10 seconds and cause my heart to race over 100bpm is absolutely terrifying to me I can hardly put it into words but I end up crying afterwards and feeling utterly defeated and scared. It's absolutely horrible and I don't know what to do. It's depressing to the point I just feel hopeless. I'm so tired of having "near death" experiences on a weekly basis.

    I know this is my anxiety as well that makes me react this way to these symptoms but that makes my experience no less terrifying and damaging to my mental health . I'm just so worried I'll drop dead right there and I'm sick of living waiting for that.

    All I can think of is do I get more tests? Did they miss something? The only other thing I haven't gotten is a PET scan of my heart. I don't want tests I just want the symptoms to stop so I can somehow be at peace.

    Any advice would be great or some comforting words. Thank you guys hopefully you have a better day than me

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2017

    Re: Strings of palpitations. Please help very defeated. Advice?

    Hey there! I have been where you are. Palpitations (flutters, missed, skipped), panic attacks - the lot. And all the tests. A German doctor in Australia looked me in the eye when they first happened over 20 years ago and said "This is nothing to worry about." But I did and here we are over 20 years later. This may be hard to hear, but it is in the mind. I suspect that you are an anxious person? Find a way to let this go.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Strings of palpitations. Please help very defeated. Advice?

    Quote Originally Posted by washingtonwaves View Post
    I'm so tired of having "near death" experiences on a weekly basis.


    I'm just so worried I'll drop dead right there and I'm sick of living waiting for that.

    You're not having near death experiences.

    You need to break the connection with what's actually happening and what you perceive is happening.

    Palpitations are not 'medically significant'. They're not dangerous. You've had all the tests that already prove that nothing is wrong.

    Yes, they're annoying and uncomfortable, but the problem here is you reaction to them, not the palpitations themselves. You are catastrophising something that's not harmful.

    Much better to learn to accept certain symptoms while you experience them than try to stop something you have no control over (which is a road to mental torture as you're experiencing now).

    Do you suffer with reflux by the way?

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