Good afternoon,

I’ve been on 20mg Citalopram A couple of times for some time over the last few years. At its best it provided me 4 years of relief 2012-2016 and the last year. There have been blips but generally it’s been great for me.

But sadly Just recently I’ve been hit by a spell of anxiety and depression. Not sure which is causing which. Historically, I’ve felt it’s anxiety led, I’m always been a worrier and that plays out heavily in both, worrying about whether I’ll get better this time is the main playbook.

So the gp has put me up to 30mg, I’m on day 5 and no relief yet, will it take 4-6 weeks with the dose increase? If anything I’m a little more anxious/flat, is that normal?

Anyone had experience of a dose increase helping after some time? Is it known to work?

If it doesn’t help out, do I still have hope with other SSRI’s? I’m concerned I’m running out of options. I’ve tried Fluoxetine but didn’t find it helped all that much.