This month this year marks the 20th anniversary of the protests in the UK against the high fuel prices and the oil refineries being subjected to blockades by furious militant (and supposedly right-wing) truckers, which seemed to be a deliberate attempt to damage the Blair govt, especially ahead of the then-forthcoming GE that was to be held the following year (2001), and to inadvertently cause a second 'Winter of Discontent' like in 1978-79 which damaged the then-previous Labour govt.

I wonder how people might respond today if Boris and Co attempted to reinstate the Fuel Duty Escalator, which was actually imposed by Major and Co in 1993, in which hardly anyone seemed to bat an eyelid over at the time, but continued into the first 3 years of Blair and Co and there then ended up being a big hoo-ha over it!

The kind of double standards 'acceptable under the Tories, unacceptable under Labour' conundrum.