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Thread: COVID?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2016


    I've caught this off my son. And just like him one day I was fine, next day I woke up ill. I can experience what he is now. Started with a sandpaper feeling at back of throat. Nothing major or painful. But now I've got a cough that hurts my lungs. It's painful when I do cough like my lungs are burning. This has all happened today. Last night I was feeling fine. I've got a bunged up nose and phlegm. Feeling generally unwell. Hoping just a flu. He caught it Monday from his teacher and became ill rapidly.He's still off school but seems better today so he says. He's got a persistent cough though. Is this just the flu?
    The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away.

    “I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned.” - Richard Feynman


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: COVID?

    Quote Originally Posted by WiredIncorrectly View Post
    I've caught this off my son. And just like him one day I was fine, next day I woke up ill. I can experience what he is now. Started with a sandpaper feeling at back of throat. Nothing major or painful. But now I've got a cough that hurts my lungs. It's painful when I do cough like my lungs are burning. This has all happened today. Last night I was feeling fine. I've got a bunged up nose and phlegm. Feeling generally unwell. Hoping just a flu. He caught it Monday from his teacher and became ill rapidly.He's still off school but seems better today so he says. He's got a persistent cough though. Is this just the flu?
    Probably best to just wait and see over the next couple of days.

    I reckon it might be just a cold/mild flu, as I have felt a bit off since the weekend with being a bit snotty, sinusy and lethargic, and I haven't as yet got any of the 3 key CV symptoms. I already have a habit of checking 2-3 times per day anyway.

    My dad has felt similar, and we haven't mixed with anyone outside of our household for the past week or 2, and we have followed all the procedures when in supermarkets, etc, including the wearing of masks, social distancing and sanitising all of the shopping once home.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Re: COVID?

    At the moment I have a feeling of general unwellness. Feeling sleepy. It's a little more painful to swallow now and there's something with my ears feeling a bit sore. Hopefully this is all pointing to not COVID. Just a bit concerned about the coughing so quickly. Me and the boy have been doing vicks cream in boiling hot water and breathing it in. It helps. I don't think I'm a high risk case either way. What is concerning is my partner isn't self isolating on the off chance and she has to visit old people. Her friend roped her into cleaning her parents homes (both live separate). But her friend is more concerned about whether she can still clean than she is about her parents getting ill via my partner carrying it. This is exactly why the COVID problem is happening. Careless people in general imho.
    The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away.

    “I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned.” - Richard Feynman


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Re: COVID?

    Is it possible for you and your son to be tested? That would be the best way to see if it’s Covid-19 or not, and if it then every member of your household should self isolate.

    Your symptoms could easily be flu or even just a cold. I had to take a test on Sunday because I developed quite a high fever and have head cold symptoms, which are slowly turning into a cough. My test came back negative for Covid, as the vast majority do, even when symptoms are present.

    It’s not something I’d leave to chance, though.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Re: COVID?

    How do I go about getting a test Gary? I found a Government website but it said you needed a smart phone to track your appointment or something. And I'm not even sure where we have to go for a test. Do the doctors do them?
    The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away.

    “I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned.” - Richard Feynman


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Re: COVID?

    If it's any consolation, a friend on another forum has developed exactly the same symptoms as you but it appears to be just a pig of a cold. It might be worth looking on your local newspaper's website to see if it gives details of testing centres in your locality.

    See also
    Last edited by Pamplemousse; 09-09-20 at 17:47.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Re: COVID?

    Thanks folks. I'm not worried but I'd rather my partner didn't go around other people if there's any chance or suspicion. Will try get a test done for tomorrow if it's possible. Coffee is amazing at making throat feel better; unlike tea which seems to make it worse. I'll take the coffee anxiety over the soreness and coughing ha ha. Back of my nose is terribly sore. I just found out my partners friend's Dad has been taken into hospital today and she was around him yesterday. Trust me to be the one in this situation. I'll feel so effing bad if anything happens to him.
    The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away.

    “I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned.” - Richard Feynman


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: COVID?

    I'm pretty sure a normal cold bug is currently co-existing alongside CV, as my brother and his 3 kids have currently got it, let alone myself and my parents.

    And my brother actually had CV back in the early spring during the initial spike and fortunately survived.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Re: COVID?

    Agreed. On another forum one member described himself as having a headache, aching joints, slightly feverish, nose blocked solid but somehow still runny, a bad cough and some epic sneezing. This was just a few days ago but he's over the worst of it now, he thinks.

    So hopefully, all you have is...

    Last edited by Pamplemousse; 09-09-20 at 20:41.

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