hi all my chronic pain journey started 3 years ago. I won't go into all the details but I've finally had enough and begged my doctor to help me. I did loads of lab work and everything came back normal except I was ANA positive, 1 1280 titer homogeneous pattern and a slightly elevated esr. They followed up with a full autoimmune panel and said as of right now no indication of autoimmune diseases but thats not to say one won't eventually develop. My fear is that I have a cancer that they haven't detected yet but they keep saying they don't recommend any screenings other than the normal age appropriate ones. Im also very sad that I could eventually end up with an autoimmune disease and scared because my symptoms are so bad now, I can't imagine what it would be like to have lupus or something. I'm just scared, sad and at a loss of what to do next. My dr is going to help me put together a wellness plan with nutrition, acupuncture etc but the cancer fear is so strong! Does anyone else have experience with that high of an ANA?