Hi! I have been on No More Panic for 10 years now! This is my first time on this sub board.

I am 45. My mom died when I was 30. That's really when my health anxiety started. Since then I have been afraid of lymph nodes, moles, skin color, blood pressure, etc.. but twitches were not on my list.

After my mom died, I started to twitch. At first it did stress me, but then when I read about BFS, it clicked, and I didn't stress about it anymore. I used to say that was the one time that Dr Google worked!
Since 2005, my calves and feet constantly twitch. There is never a time they don't. Because I have had it so long, it didn't both me.
I also get random twitches all over (bum, back, back of leg, etc..).

At the start of July, I noticed my knee or thigh twitching. I found it interesting and took a few videos (even in slow motion). I wasn't worried about it, and besides when I saw it, I didn't give it a second though.

At the start of August, I decided to look up videos of thigh twitches. I found a few, but I also saw some comments about people stressing, and going to see neuro's (it's important to note, these people were all ok). But it got me wondering, should I go (for this new twitch?). I started to worry about that. Finally I relaxed a bit, and then the twitch just stopped! (the knee, not calves).
I went 12 days with no twitch there, and then it picked back up. I got down about it - it lasted 3 days, and then again it stopped! This time it stopped for 10 days.

Last Wednesday it came back. I had just put an offer on a house (coincidence, not sure). Since then, I have gotten more and more anxious - especially since iit has lasted longer than the other two times.

I am a runner, and I tried resting. That was the week I didn't twitch, but I want to run.

I am also doubting myself. Have I always had this, and am just noticing now? I have done that with moles. Certainly in July, I noticed this but wasn't bothered.
I have a video from a year prior, with the same twitch (but other leg).

My wife is worried about my mental health. I went on SSRI's in March, and they really helped me with the obsessive thoughts. I pulled out of a few tail spins. She says to try upping my dose, relaxing, and then see if I want to see Dr about twitch.
We have long wait lists (it's 3 weeks just to see my Dr) so I am scared if I see him for the twitch, that I will have to wait a year for the neuro and be scared and miserable the whole time.

This is sapping my joy. When I am with my kids, I just focus on the twitch. Unlike other anxities, like a mole - I can't hide this or not check it. I can feel it.

The only relief I get is when I stand and walk. Then it goes away.

Anyway I am ranting. I just needed to get it out, as I am putting too much on my wife.