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Thread: At breaking point with twitching of knee - thigh

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    At breaking point with twitching of knee - thigh

    Hi! I have been on No More Panic for 10 years now! This is my first time on this sub board.

    I am 45. My mom died when I was 30. That's really when my health anxiety started. Since then I have been afraid of lymph nodes, moles, skin color, blood pressure, etc.. but twitches were not on my list.

    After my mom died, I started to twitch. At first it did stress me, but then when I read about BFS, it clicked, and I didn't stress about it anymore. I used to say that was the one time that Dr Google worked!
    Since 2005, my calves and feet constantly twitch. There is never a time they don't. Because I have had it so long, it didn't both me.
    I also get random twitches all over (bum, back, back of leg, etc..).

    At the start of July, I noticed my knee or thigh twitching. I found it interesting and took a few videos (even in slow motion). I wasn't worried about it, and besides when I saw it, I didn't give it a second though.

    At the start of August, I decided to look up videos of thigh twitches. I found a few, but I also saw some comments about people stressing, and going to see neuro's (it's important to note, these people were all ok). But it got me wondering, should I go (for this new twitch?). I started to worry about that. Finally I relaxed a bit, and then the twitch just stopped! (the knee, not calves).
    I went 12 days with no twitch there, and then it picked back up. I got down about it - it lasted 3 days, and then again it stopped! This time it stopped for 10 days.

    Last Wednesday it came back. I had just put an offer on a house (coincidence, not sure). Since then, I have gotten more and more anxious - especially since iit has lasted longer than the other two times.

    I am a runner, and I tried resting. That was the week I didn't twitch, but I want to run.

    I am also doubting myself. Have I always had this, and am just noticing now? I have done that with moles. Certainly in July, I noticed this but wasn't bothered.
    I have a video from a year prior, with the same twitch (but other leg).

    My wife is worried about my mental health. I went on SSRI's in March, and they really helped me with the obsessive thoughts. I pulled out of a few tail spins. She says to try upping my dose, relaxing, and then see if I want to see Dr about twitch.
    We have long wait lists (it's 3 weeks just to see my Dr) so I am scared if I see him for the twitch, that I will have to wait a year for the neuro and be scared and miserable the whole time.

    This is sapping my joy. When I am with my kids, I just focus on the twitch. Unlike other anxities, like a mole - I can't hide this or not check it. I can feel it.

    The only relief I get is when I stand and walk. Then it goes away.

    Anyway I am ranting. I just needed to get it out, as I am putting too much on my wife.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: At breaking point with twitching of knee - thigh

    Imagine that your leg never stops twitching for the rest of your life. What would the consequences of this be?
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    Sometimes, it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness. - Terry Pratchett

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: At breaking point with twitching of knee - thigh

    Quote Originally Posted by BlueIris View Post
    Imagine that your leg never stops twitching for the rest of your life. What would the consequences of this be?
    Thank you. That’s a good point and is a good way of looking at thing.

    My calves haven’t stopped twitching for 15 years, and I am used to it. I would imagine the same would happen here.
    Unless it’s something more sinister. In which case, I would be dead.

    I get into this argument with myself. Part of me know my fear is out of proportion. But then my mind always comes back to ‘“well you do have a twitch... that’s real”. And then I debate:
    do I see a doctor? Is that reassurance seeking? What if he sends me to neuro and I lose it more mentally? I did that with a lymph nose. I insisted on a scan when the doctor wanted to wait. I ended up having to wait two months to see a specialist (all was ok but those 2 months were hell).
    do I just try to live with it? I guess eventually I will get used to it, or get sicker. Or maybe get lucky and it will go away.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: At breaking point with twitching of knee - thigh

    It's a twitch. It's never going to be more than a mild inconvenience. If you get other, more inconvenient bodily sensations, you might want to speak to a doctor, but this is no different to an itchy nose or mild dandruff or something.
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    Sometimes, it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness. - Terry Pratchett

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: At breaking point with twitching of knee - thigh

    I had a large scale muscle twitch on my right inner thigh, above my was there for weeks and weeks, but some days it stopped. Actually twitch was an understatement, I could see it jolting lol Thats how I mainly knew it was nothing to worry about, sometimes it stopped. Even if it hadn't have stopped at times, the most likely thing to be causing it was a repetitive or 'traumatic' action making the nerves and muscles over react (like yours seems linked to running). I figured out what mine is from, crossing my legs whilst high on a stool and putting lots of pressure on the same nerves/muscles. I don't think you should consider going to the doctor, and wasting your emotional energy, for something that comes and goes, as annoying as it is, and when you are used to the same happening with other muscles. (I am too)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: At breaking point with twitching of knee - thigh

    Quote Originally Posted by Carys View Post
    I had a large scale muscle twitch on my right inner thigh, above my was there for weeks and weeks, but some days it stopped. Actually twitch was an understatement, I could see it jolting lol Thats how I mainly knew it was nothing to worry about, sometimes it stopped. Even if it hadn't have stopped at times, the most likely thing to be causing it was a repetitive or 'traumatic' action making the nerves and muscles over react (like yours seems linked to running). I figured out what mine is from, crossing my legs whilst high on a stool and putting lots of pressure on the same nerves/muscles. I don't think you should consider going to the doctor, and wasting your emotional energy, for something that comes and goes, as annoying as it is, and when you are used to the same happening with other muscles. (I am too)

    Thank you to both of you for taking the time to write on my thread. It really did help me to put things into perspective!

    Carys, my twitch sounds exactly like yours! It is in the same spot. It is really hard not to think about because it is constantly jolting, and my thigh is hitting my pants. Mine also came and went a few times, which I know is a good sign. I am currently on day 6 of this spell, and I know my anxiety is only making it worse.
    Were you able to put yours in the back of the mind? That is what I am trying to do.... but its hard!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: At breaking point with twitching of knee - thigh

    Well, it never worried me, just annoyed me - but I'm currently hormonally challenged and part of the effects of that are muscles twitching (low oestrogen) here there and everywhere, so am used to it. This twitching was different to the usual thing I'd experienced though, as it stayed in one place and was doing it most of the time I was sat relaxing (but never when the muscle was in use). I did find it hard to forget as it was so 'large scale' but it irritated rather than worried me, especially when my phone I had rested there was jumping about !. I do think you could think have a think about what you are doing that is setting it off, because there is something physical that is causing it (the running - do you need some sort of strapping?) sitting in a certain way that puts pressure there ? I think it easier if you don't worry about it, and it becomes an annoyance, no different to an eye twitch.

  8. #8
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    Jan 2012

    Re: At breaking point with twitching of knee - thigh

    Quote Originally Posted by Carys View Post
    Well, it never worried me, just annoyed me - but I'm currently hormonally challenged and part of the effects of that are muscles twitching (low oestrogen) here there and everywhere, so am used to it. This twitching was different to the usual thing I'd experienced though, as it stayed in one place and was doing it most of the time I was sat relaxing (but never when the muscle was in use). I did find it hard to forget as it was so 'large scale' but it irritated rather than worried me, especially when my phone I had rested there was jumping about !. I do think you could think have a think about what you are doing that is setting it off, because there is something physical that is causing it (the running - do you need some sort of strapping?) sitting in a certain way that puts pressure there ? I think it easier if you don't worry about it, and it becomes an annoyance, no different to an eye twitch.
    Thank you very much for your suggestions!
    I do notice certain seating positions are worse. For example, if I cross my leg, it's worse. If I sit 'Indian style (sorry, no p/c I know), I don't feel it.
    So it's like something is putting pressure on my nerve.

    I had an appointment for my psychologist yesterday. She was telling me that our minds are incredible, and if I focus on the twitch, my mind will send me energy there and I will get more of it.
    She said I am trying to know the future which of course is impossible. She said that I needed to treat the twitch like a spoiled child, and not give it my attention. Basically get on with my life, and if I get distracted by twitch get mad at it, and say "I am not thinking of you now!!!".
    I tried that yesterday. I did notice the twitch less. I even went a few hours while painting without feeling it.

    I guess I just need to accept it and get on with my life. I am going to try my best.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Re: At breaking point with twitching of knee - thigh

    Hi, I have also been on this page for around 10 years and never yet posted.
    I am also struggling at the moment woth twitches , they started around March time ( around the time lockdown was being discussed). I am also a nurse so it was playing a huge part.
    My twitches started in my right thigh and them spread all over the body, just little twitches heat and there.
    Around July the twitching g seemed to subside and I would notice maybe a couple time a day a small twitch from my leg , or my arm but nothing I really thought much about.
    That brings us to now when I am going through a more stressful time again ( selling a house, pregnancy and another lockdown looming) mainly my right thigh and around my knee it doing some pretty bit jumps ( can’t really say twitching h as there bigger) last week it was thumb that started it off again and not it lives to my legs.
    I pretty sure my anxiety plays a huge part as for the months I had no stress I hardly noticed anything.
    I didn’t want to read and run your post but it sound pretty similar.
    I hope yours resolves soon.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: At breaking point with twitching of knee - thigh

    Quote Originally Posted by Hco View Post
    Hi, I have also been on this page for around 10 years and never yet posted.
    I am also struggling at the moment woth twitches , they started around March time ( around the time lockdown was being discussed). I am also a nurse so it was playing a huge part.
    My twitches started in my right thigh and them spread all over the body, just little twitches heat and there.
    Around July the twitching g seemed to subside and I would notice maybe a couple time a day a small twitch from my leg , or my arm but nothing I really thought much about.
    That brings us to now when I am going through a more stressful time again ( selling a house, pregnancy and another lockdown looming) mainly my right thigh and around my knee it doing some pretty bit jumps ( can’t really say twitching h as there bigger) last week it was thumb that started it off again and not it lives to my legs.
    I pretty sure my anxiety plays a huge part as for the months I had no stress I hardly noticed anything.
    I didn’t want to read and run your post but it sound pretty similar.
    I hope yours resolves soon.

    Hi! Thanks for your post. Your twitch sounds just like mine!
    Last week I calmed down. I was able to 'accept' the twitch. I didn't like it - like you say, it is huge and not like an eye twitch.
    But something clicked inside me, that this seems common, and just because I was scared it would be serious - it actually wasn't.
    I continued with my life, and on Friday AM the twitch went away (it had persisted for 9 days, non stop, even in the middle of the night!).

    I know it will come back. This has happened before. It might come back today, as I barely slept last night and we just bought a house (stressors, like you!).

    Our bodies are both just manifesting the anxiety we feel on the inside but that' ok. it will settle.
    Like you, I have had thumb 'jumps' too. I have them all over!
    Good luck with yours!

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