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Thread: Stomach issues, afraid of something serious

  1. #1

    Stomach issues, afraid of something serious

    This is the first time I'm writing on this forum. I have however been lurking here on and off when my HA have been especially high.

    To make a long story short I've been having a lot of anxiety for the past 6 months or so. It all started with a pretty bad panic attack at work which happened after I had been very stressed for a couple of months. Ever since then I've basically had anxiety every day, especially in the mornings. My symtoms have varied but I usually feel kinda hot (feverish), jittery, fast heart-beat,nauseated... Pretty much the "classic" anxiety symtoms. For the most part I knew they were anxiety so I managed to not freak out about them too much (as I've also had them in the past during my previous bout of HA), and somewhere around lunchtime the symtoms would get better and I could feel completely fine in the evening.

    However, for the past 10 days or so I've been having stomach issues that I've never experienced before. Even if I've been really stressed/anxious my stomach have always been fine (apart from short moments of nausea).

    It all started one day when I went to the toilet and discovered a small red streak on my stool. I initially got scared, but also knew I had been constipated recently and that it kinda hurt to "get it out" so to say... So I thought that probably was the reason and tried not to think about it too much.

    The next day I woke up early morning feeling extremely bloated with stomach cramps. A short while later I have to go to the toilet and my stool is loose (not diarrhea but definately more loose than normal). I continue to stay bloated for a few hours and go to the toilet 2-3 times more. Its not a lot that come out every time but all of it is pretty loose and kind of a more light brown color. No more blood as far as I can see. Around lunchtime it settles down and I feel pretty normal for the rest of the day... But then next day the exact same thing happens; I wake up bloated, go to the toilet 3-4 times and then start to feel more fine around lunchtime.

    After having this for about 3 days I started getting hard stool instead. The other symtoms were the same (bloated feeling in the morning) but then I only went to the toilet once a day and it was pretty hard. That went on for a few more days and now I seem to be back to being loose again. I don't have much stomach cramps anymore, just feeling uncomfortable from the bloating. Most days it seems to settle down around lunchtime but some days I can feel bloated and have gas all day. My appetite is also basically gone. In the morning it's the worst and I have to force myself to eat a little yoghurt. Later in the day it tends to get better but I rarely really feel like eating. Part of it is probably because when I eat (especielly if it's in the morning/noon) it makes me either feel even more bloated or I soon have to go to the toilet again for another round of loose stool. I really don't want to lose any more weight as I'm already pretty slim as it is.

    I never have to go to the toilet after lunchtime or in the evening though. It's just in the mornings.

    Been thinking about going to the doctor but my friends and family all think it's 100% due to my anxiety. Thing is this all started just when I was moving to a new apartment and not gonna lie I've been through a lot of stress because of this. I've never lived at any place by myself (always lived with parents/boyfriend/friends before) and being alone is one thing that really makes my HA go wild (always been scared something will happen to me when I'm alone and then no one is there to help). So these past days have been tough as I spend a lot of time by myself every day now.

    I just would like to know if anyone out there have experienced similar symtoms, or if it's possible to suffer from anxiety for a long time and then suddenly develop IBS when you haven't had it before. If it helps I'm a 30 year old female.

    I'm just scared that it's something serious such as the dreaded cc...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Stomach issues, afraid of something serious

    Nothing you've mentioned makes me think it's anything other than irritable bowel syndrome due to anxiety.

    I'm having a flare up at the moment and have everything you've described.

    I came out the womb in a state of anxiety, but it took 21 years to develop IBS, and then it was just a bit of cramping and the odd 'urgent' poo. Now, my bum doesn't know if it's coming or going. I have a heat pad attached to some part of my tummy, and when I bloat - I puff up like I'm 6 months pregnant!

    You're ok.

    Take a really good look at your diet - go boring low fodmap (is what I'm doing) to give your digestive system a helping hand for a few weeks. Ginger tea for nausea and peppermint for gas. I always think a damn good fart helps to shift things along and peppermint is great for that. Speaking of which - Hubs walked in on me the other day and I was literally parting my arse cheeks to coax a fart out. He stared at me open mouthed for what seemed like forever, and I said, 'What? Have you never helped a fart out? He said. 'Yeah, but you've never witnessed me doing it.

    Whatevs, mate.

    Anyway, where was I? Ah yes...

    NO CAFFIENE!!!! UH HUH. It irritates the gut.

    My appetite has gone as well. Sometimes I feel hungry but one pathetic quarter of a sandwich and I'm done - another delightful perk of IBS. That said, I needed to lose some weight, so silver linings and all that...

    Hope this helps.

    P.S there are some really good sticky's about IBS on here.
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Stomach issues, afraid of something serious

    Sounds very much like IBS to me. Mine didn’t start until I was 30, following time of a lot of stress, so not unusual to come on suddenly like it has.

  4. #4

    Re: Stomach issues, afraid of something serious

    Thankyou very much for your reply Nora.

    I've read a lot of IBS-related posts on here but it's nice to know someone else can relate to my specific symtoms. As far as I know symtoms can vary a lot with IBS x)

    I've already changed my diet somewhat (eating a lot of yoghurt and oats, drinking a lot of water, avoiding soda etc...). Also I never really consumed much caffeine apart from a couple of cups of green tea per day (changed that to herbal tea now), but I'll take a look at that fodmap diet that you mentioned. Also had no idea peppermint tea is good for gas! Will definately stock up on that.

    I kinda thought loss of appetite wasn't a typical IBS symtom but yeah, I know for sure it can be an anxiety symtom. I've had it in the past but it usually haven't lasted for more than a day or so. Always fun when the body throws new symtoms at you x)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Stomach issues, afraid of something serious

    Look into the FODMAP diet. Its beneficial for IBS and reflux and generally healthy overall. Keep a food diary so you can identify foods that aggravate you. My wife and I both suffer from reflux and we've been following it for years and its really helped overall.

    Positive thoughts
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  6. #6

    Re: Stomach issues, afraid of something serious

    Thought I would make an update to this thread, just because it may help someone who's reading this and experience similar symtoms.

    First off my problems haven't gone away, but they have changed somewhat. I haven't had any loose stool now for a couple of weeks but instead my stool seem to be shifting between normal/hard, which is good I guess. I get to go once every day right after waking up.. Which is actually kind of new to me (I was often constipated in the past) but I guess that's also a good thing.

    The gas and bloating is still there however. I wake up almost every morning with a lot of gas/bloated feeling. Sometimes it goes rather quickly and sometimes I have it for several hours. For the most part I don't have gas pain but more of an uncomfortable bloated feeling. My stomach also gurgles and make a lot of noise.

    Honestly though some days when it's worse like today I get surprised how my body can even produce this much gas (??). I've had gas in the mornings even before but nothing like this.

    I've started to drink peppermint tea right after breakfast which seem to help getting most of the gas out. Other than that I've been experimenting with things I eat but I can't find any clear pattern in my diet. Like, for example even if I eat a lot of junk and candy one evening my stomach can still be rather good the day after. It seems to be completely random how I feel exactly from day to day.

    The thing that make me think it probably have to do with anxiety is the fact that I feel a lot better in the weekends when I'm not alone (as I wrote in my first post I kinda always feel at least slightly nervous when I'm by myself). Also I noticed one evening when I suddenly got a stomach ache that it went away after I started playing a game on the computer. So maybe all that's needed is some distraction to make it go away.

    Regarding my appetite it's returned somewhat I would say. For breakfast and lunch I still don't eat that much, but I think it's mostly due to fear that my stomach would get worse after eating..
    Which have been the case previously. Yesterday I suddenly got a bit hungry around 10am and ate a small sandwich and shortly after that I got stomach cramps and more gas.

    In the evening can feel completely fine and usually have appetite to eat dinner and even some snack later. Ever since this started I usually feel completely ok for the last hours of the day and I go to sleep feeling completely ok too, then it's back to the same thing in the morning.

    That's about it. Will update this thread later. Even if I'm not completety fine I'm happy it's at least moving somewhat in the right direction.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Stomach issues, afraid of something serious

    Quote Originally Posted by lobbie View Post

    Honestly though some days when it's worse like today I get surprised how my body can even produce this much gas (??). I've had gas in the mornings even before but nothing like this.
    I did a fart this morning which lasted 10 seconds.

    Like, for example even if I eat a lot of junk and candy one evening my stomach can still be rather good the day after. It seems to be completely random how I feel exactly from day to day.
    How about the next day?

    I can eat a bit of forbidden cheese (don't judge me) and the migraine not kick in until a day later..

    Even if I'm not completety fine I'm happy it's at least moving somewhat in the right direction.
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  8. #8

    Re: Stomach issues, afraid of something serious

    Thanks again for the reply Nora. And thanks also to Fishmanpa and Aussie11 earlier

    I'm having a pretty bad day today. Yesterday I had a good day and even had a normal appetite, but for some reason it seems like if I have one good day I'm destined to have a bad day after. I woke up with a "strange" feeling in my stomach which at first made me really scared until I realized it was due to trapped wind. Ever since getting up I've been feeling bloated and got to pass gas several times. I've also gone to the toilet 7-8 times already in the span of about 5 hours (3 times for pooping, and the rest for peeing... I think that when I get scared/nervous I pee a lot more than usual). My stool haven't been loose since the first week I got these issues, now it's small hard lumps. I'm thinking it looks like something a rabbit would produce. It's about the same amount as normal but for some reason it's lumpy instead of a normal formed stool.

    Even though I've been passing a lot of gas I still feel bloated. Like there's more stuck at the bottom of my bowels, right under the belly button.

    I called the healthcare center early last week after I had a night where I actually woke up from stomach pains. (I had heard waking up from IBS-issues was usually a bad sign). They couldn't get my doctor to call me back until 2 days later, and at that time I just felt so vultnerable and helpless that I actually started crying uncontrollable right after I finished the call with the receptionist. My doctor did call me back 2 days later and then we had a 30 minute long chat where she asked me every question under the sun (everything about my lifestyle, if I drink/smoke, my food habits, stress-levels, what I do on my freetime, everything about my bowel movements etc). At the end she said that unfortunately it was her last week working for some time so I would get a new doctor the following week. Then she called me back last time on friday and said I could get an appointment for doing some ordinary blood tests the following week if I wanted to. Of course I said yes, so now I have a time to go there this upcoming wednesday.

    Thing is I don't really know what I worry about most. Some days it's bowel/colon cancer, some days it's ovarian cancer. A few days ago I was terrified I had endometriosis as I thought my period pains felt worse than usual (it passed after taking a painkiller). Some days I don't worry about any specific illness but more about the symtoms, so I think things like "Will this ever get better?" or "What if the pain gets worse so I have to call an ambulance?" or "What if I get so terrible pain that I pass out?". If I have some plans that day I usually think like "Will I be able to do task x, y, z later?". Even though I work from home at the moment I get scared that I won't be able to perform my work tasks as well.

    I try to think logically that if it was something truly sinister (like some cancer) the symtoms wouldn't change or come and go so much. But it just brings me down when I have a really good day (feeling almost like normal and thinking "perhaps those stomach problems are over") and then wake up the next day feeling horrible.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Re: Stomach issues, afraid of something serious

    Quote Originally Posted by NoraB View Post
    I did a fart this morning which lasted 10 seconds.
    My Dad (when he was alive) and my brother used to fart the first part of "God Save The Queen" ...

    (BTW I'm feeling a lot better now) X
    If you are one of the lucky souls allowed to enter NZ at this time please remember two things:

    1. We did the hard months in lockdown abiding by rules for you to get here.
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    You're in quarantine for fourteen days ...obey the rules.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Stomach issues, afraid of something serious

    Quote Originally Posted by lobbie View Post
    I think that when I get scared/nervous I pee a lot more than usual).
    You and everybody else lobbie - it's part of the fight or flight response. (normal)

    My stool haven't been loose since the first week I got these issues, now it's small hard lumps. I'm thinking it looks like something a rabbit would produce. It's about the same amount as normal but for some reason it's lumpy instead of a normal formed stool.
    Some people get constipation dominant IBS, some get the shits, others get both. You need a darn good rid out cocker. Try magnesium (citrate) which is a natural laxative. A word of warning though...I use powder form and instead of building up gradually to 2 teaspoons a day - I banged in the full amount on day one and then wondered why my colon was emptying itself via rapid-fire!

    I called the healthcare center early last week after I had a night where I actually woke up from stomach pains. (I had heard waking up from IBS-issues was usually a bad sign).
    Except that some people with IBS DO have pain in the night. I do for a start, and I've had all the tests!

    Thing is I don't really know what I worry about most. Some days it's bowel/colon cancer, some days it's ovarian cancer.
    There is a more likely another option...IBS.

    "Will this ever get better?"
    Yes. Even my IBS (which is a right royal pain in the arse) takes time off.

    "What if the pain gets worse so I have to call an ambulance?"
    How many times has this happened to you?

    "What if I get so terrible pain that I pass out?".
    Then you won't be in pain for a bit...

    Even though I work from home at the moment I get scared that I won't be able to perform my work tasks as well.
    I'm having a massive IBS/fibro flare and my anxiety is orbital because the FIL just died - my IBS and I are currently painting the sunroom.

    I try to think logically that if it was something truly sinister (like some cancer) the symtoms wouldn't change or come and go so much. But it just brings me down when I have a really good day (feeling almost like normal and thinking "perhaps those stomach problems are over") and then wake up the next day feeling horrible.
    Even those symptoms which do not always go away are more likely to have other causes than cancer.

    The more you focus on an ache or pain, the more you will feel it.
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

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