Hey everyone! I am new here but have been lurking for awhile.
A little background about me. I just turned 30 last month. Been struggling with health anxiety since 2016 when my close friend rather unexpectedly died of cancer 6 months after her diagnosis. Cancer has been my biggest worry but in the last few months my fear has moved to my heart. It all started when I woke up one morning with a feeling of squeezing in my chest and a heart rate of 150. I was able to calm down from that episode but it was enough to set me into a bad spiral of HA. Since then I have been noticing palpitations more often and random chest and left arm pain. I do have issues with my shoulder so I try to rationalize that that's whats causing my symptoms and I was doing better for awhile. However yesterday at work I was getting really stressed out and suddenly got shooting pains in my left arm again. I am worried this is all pointing to an underlying heart problem and I'm terrified. Everyone tells me its just anxiety but its hard to believe sometimes. I have not seen a doctor yet because with covid its hard to get an appointment without waiting several months. Any advice or reassurance would be greatly appreciated! Thanks for reading