Obviously, I have been going through truly horrible HA flare up. It is one thing after another , day after day. Today I felt that left side of my tongue is somewhat sore; started looking with magnifying mirror, and noticed several (what looks like) papillae red, swollen. It is basically under the left side of my tongue, not on the side itself. Hard to explain. It looks a little bit like a trauma (like small red bruises), but, since it is under the tongue, I cannot figure out how could I have made it. I know that all my left side of the tongue is now hurting even more because I have been thinking about it and looking at it whole afternoon.

Piece of advice/sharing similar experience, highly appreciated and welcome.

p.s. Everything started flaring up since my mother died on June 30th. I was with her all these days before the death, and when she actually died.