I went to the dermatologist last year and he looked at a spot on my thigh and said it was a seborrheic keratosis, which is benign. This year when I went back he said the same spot was an actinic keratosis, which is pre-cancerous. (they don't just change) I don't know why I didn't ask him right then and there, but I didn't. Anyway, I left his office and of course a few days later decided to research it. Everything says if it is that it should be frozen off. I called his office and the nurse said nothing was noted in that area, and that if the doctor felt it was actinic keratosis he would have removed it that day. I described it to the nurse and she said it sounded like pre-cancer and then said I can go back on October the 8th and he will remove it. That is so far away and I'm going to worry about it. Of course, I think to myself, I have had this now for two years and shown my doctor (who gets amazing reviews) twice. What if it is has turned to cancer and what if it is advanced.

I'm really worried about this. I've told myself that the chances are low and that if he thought it was cancer he wouldn't have just sent me home. I've also looked at the stats and only 3,500 people die from this kind of cancer (squamous cell) each year, so it isn't super common.