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Thread: Generic Venlafaxine

  1. #1

    Generic Venlafaxine

    Hi is anyone having problems with different brands of Venlafaxine? Started on Effexor 75mg Extended release a month ago and everything was fine, feeling great anxiety much reduced. When tablets ran out, I got the next script from the pharmacy, these are a generic form. With in two days of taking them I feel terrible, shaking sweaty anxious, nausea and loose bowels. I've heard that some folks have trouble with different brands and was wondering if this could be the case. The first course were Effexor XR made by Pfizer, the new ones are VenisirXL distributed by Morningside healthcare. If this is the case how on earth do I convince my Go and local pharmacy to give me the original brand?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Generic Venlafaxine

    Quote Originally Posted by Kitty Cat View Post
    I got the next script from the pharmacy, these are a generic form. With in two days of taking them I feel terrible, shaking sweaty anxious, nausea and loose bowels. I've heard that some folks have trouble with different brands and was wondering if this could be the case. The first course were Effexor XR made by Pfizer, the new ones are VenisirXL distributed by Morningside healthcare.
    Morningside seem to be a generic drugs supplier to the NHS, plus many UN agencies, WHO, the Red Cross, etc, around the world which suggests their meds are probably okay and VenisirXL does contain venlafaxine hydrochloride, not another formulation of venlafaxine so should be bio equivalent to Pfizer's Effexor XL, however, sometimes people do feel a difference. The other possibility is the onset of these side-effects now is coincidence. You've only been on the med for a month and while some develop side-effects from day one it can take weeks for them to begin with others. They are all typical of venlafaxine and other SSRIs/SNRIs. Also, double check that you got the right dose capsules. Mistakes sometimes do happen. Check both what is printed on the box and also on the blister foil.

    If this is the case how on earth do I convince my Go and local pharmacy to give me the original brand?
    I don't know how it works in the UK so can say, but I'd talk to the pharmacist first. Here in OZ GPs can specify that only the brand be dispensed, but they usually cost a little more than the generic.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2019

    Re: Generic Venlafaxine

    Quote Originally Posted by panic_down_under View Post
    Morningside seem to be a generic drugs supplier to the NHS, plus many UN agencies, WHO, the Red Cross, etc, around the world which suggests their meds are probably okay and VenisirXL does contain venlafaxine hydrochloride, not another formulation of venlafaxine so should be bio equivalent to Pfizer's Effexor XL, however, sometimes people do feel a difference. The other possibility is the onset of these side-effects now is coincidence. You've only been on the med for a month and while some develop side-effects from day one it can take weeks for them to begin with others. They are all typical of venlafaxine and other SSRIs/SNRIs. Also, double check that you got the right dose capsules. Mistakes sometimes do happen. Check both what is printed on the box and also on the blister foil.

    I don't know how it works in the UK so can say, but I'd talk to the pharmacist first. Here in OZ GPs can specify that only the brand be dispensed, but they usually cost a little more than the generic.
    You done it again Ole Croaker!

    How many times u gottabe told that folk in distress needs comfort not blunt generic rap. Hete is a support forum not platform for kolboynick propaganda. U become a liabity

    You cuda said this

    Hi Kitty

    Sorry to heR about your situation. It aint uncommon for folk to freK a bit when being changed from brand to generic tho in reality the two is exactly the same.

    Been there myself

    My guess is that you got so anxious thinking about it that you gave youself a dose of anxisty symptoms.

    Im sure it wikl pass soon. You cluld go back see doc and ask for brand o nly then go different phRmacy. Also a lil something for anxiefy to tide yous oved.

    You be fine


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Generic Venlafaxine

    I thought you didn't rate this forum at all, Charlie? Why are you still posting and attacking people who try to help others? Do you enjoy being offensive and rude under the guise of a downtrodden warrior?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2019

    Re: Generic Venlafaxine


    As expected

    This shred shud be about Kitty and nowt else. I hope she got over her anxiety and now fine and dandy.
    Note that she never replied to Ian panic so why not. I know hel be readin this and not comment. His OCD pattern is well horned and answerin back against his strict rules

    I care about human suffering. Maybe Ian panic doze too but he got hisself a sorry way of not showin it. He repeat the same stuff so often he dont rwmember who he said it too. If he aint a wobble head gronk who reads up on psych drugs as a hobby, then he is an ex doc. If not he shud stop tryin to sound like one and criticized other folks docs whos prescriptions he dont agtee with
    Its about time he come clean about his credentials and apologize to folk he hurt tho unintentionally instead of leavi g it to his cronies to defe d his sorry ass. I nearly cut up cozza his 'help' and I know I aint the first. The Scotty alkie on lofepramine was one and there was another too

    The way yous can read Ians reply is that the generic gig is in Kitty's head. Side effects can come on after one month so she got more painful days aheada her. Even if true in extreme cases, distressed folk doesnt wanna hear that. He gotta stop meddlin with folk who is clearly havin a hard time and leave the support to the nice ladies or folk like Terry and Joe what can do it well.

    Sure he never meant that way but he gotta learn how to use his knowlidge in a way what can benefit folk what mean choosin his rap better.

    And I never read of folk getting AD side effects after one month in all 20 or more foru.s I been on. Thats why us senßibel folk never google.

    Lets have a vote
    Who wrote best reply to Kitty.
    Loser gets canned from the forum. Id gleful take a hit coz it wud prove this forum aint a real support group but a sham motley collection of kolboynicks. But it wud be a devastating loss for croaker coz the meds forum is his life and I dont wanna see him suffer either. He shud be swimmin every day with a lung missin not bashin a computer but dont take kind to advice. Its pity coz with a bitta real compassion he cud be an awrsome member here

    I know one or two folk who would agree with us for sure but they gotmore sense than to read this nonsense.

    Nuff said. I wont be givin ole croaker anymore shit coz its just a wazte of data. If I do I deserve to get canned. I leave him to steal them trout from their home in the lake. If I can remember that about him why dont he remember stuff concerning other folk he reply too


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Generic Venlafaxine

    That’s Davit back from the dead

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Generic Venlafaxine

    Quote Originally Posted by Lolalee1 View Post
    That’s Davit back from the dead
    Could well be, Lola!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2019

    Re: Generic Venlafaxine

    Lets all do da BUMP

    That was some 70s dance craze I think

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