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Thread: Neuropathy, Digestive Issues and Chasing my tail ...

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Re: Neuropathy, Digestive Issues and Chasing my tail ...

    Quote Originally Posted by WiseMonkey View Post
    Thanks for your reply, I think the neuropathy issues take away your appetite. Luckily I don't have much pain other than the SFN sensory stuff! Does your mum have digestive/stomach issues too?
    She has a lot of digestive problems. They diagnosed her with IBS but said it can be caused by her Fibro so they kind of just chalk it all up to that. She also struggles with appetite, I think for her the pain just makes her not hungry. But she doesn’t really lose any weight so I know she eats some things - just not necessarily the best things to help with the digestive problems!

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Re: Neuropathy, Digestive Issues and Chasing my tail ...

    Hi, things have not been good with me lately.

    I've still got no appetite 9 weeks out of hip surgery and I've lost 2.5 kgs (5 1/2 lbs). I'm really forcing myself to eat and I'm eating a lot but not gaining any weight! I've developed anxiety and depression as a result of worrying about this, which has further dampened my appetite. As I commented before, my blood work is fine and so is a recent abdominal ultrasound. My stomach is a bit rumbly but otherwise ok.

    Can you loose weight even though you are eating (if you have anxiety or depression)? I'm within my BMI but if I was eating this amount when I had a good appetite, I'd be putting on weight!

    As I commented before, I've developed some small fibre neuropathy (since late June) and I've heard that this can cause weight loss too. I'm getting quite confused :(
    If you are one of the lucky souls allowed to enter NZ at this time please remember two things:

    1. We did the hard months in lockdown abiding by rules for you to get here.
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    You're in quarantine for fourteen days ...obey the rules.

  3. #13
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Neuropathy, Digestive Issues and Chasing my tail ...

    Quote Originally Posted by WiseMonkey View Post
    Can you loose weight even though you are eating (if you have anxiety or depression)? I'm within my BMI but if I was eating this amount when I had a good appetite, I'd be putting on weight!
    Simple answer, yes.

    Surgery will mess with your appetite - especially if they gave you antibiotics - which totally wreak havoc with your digestive system!

    That aside I'm having this issue right now because my anxiety is high (FIL's terminal illness) and when we're stressed it hits our digestive systems. If you think of the fight or flight response, the body naturally needs to purge, and few of us would fancy a kebab (or anything else) in a dangerous situation, right? Well, despite there being no actual dangerous situation with anxiety - the usual rules of fight or flight all apply - this is why we lose our appetites.

    The weight comes off because we are probably taking in fewer calories than we were before, even though we are physically eating - but also because the body is in stress mode with anxiety and it's on 'high revs' which guzzles more fuel.

    The way to deal with this is not to overthink it because if you enter into the, 'Oh my god, I have no appetite, there has to be something seriously wrong with me etc' - you are triggering the fight or flight response which will release adrenalin etc - which will get your heart pumping as if you were running for a bus. Instead, tell yourself this: 'I'm not hungry at the moment, but it will eventually pass. My body is working hard to protect me' I'm ok'.


    It's perfectly normal for weight to vary by several lbs a day but to the anxious mind this is a hefty blast of stress hormones right there!

    My excessive weight loss played heavily into my belief that I was dying of cancer - only I wasn't - as all my tests showed.

    Can anxiety make you lose weight? Yes!
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  4. #14
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    Feb 2016

    Re: Neuropathy, Digestive Issues and Chasing my tail ...

    Hi Nora,
    Thanks for posting, the only antibiotics they gave me were the intravenous ones during/after surgery. I was on Tramadol, Gabapentin for a couple of weeks afterwards before I knocked then on the head!

    My OCD has me on the scales several times a day, I'm trying to be so vigilant about keeping my weight on but it's only fueling my anxiety! I've never had complete lack of appetite before although I can eat a meal but without any enjoyment ... I guess my fear is that this will be ongoing, I do have periods where I'm feeling positive, then I go back into it, it's a vicious cycle :(
    Last edited by WiseMonkey; 07-10-20 at 07:41.
    If you are one of the lucky souls allowed to enter NZ at this time please remember two things:

    1. We did the hard months in lockdown abiding by rules for you to get here.
    2. No one gives a shit if you prefer white towels or hotels with sea views.
    You're in quarantine for fourteen days ...obey the rules.

  5. #15
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Neuropathy, Digestive Issues and Chasing my tail ...

    Quote Originally Posted by WiseMonkey View Post
    Hi Nora,
    Thanks for posting, the only antibiotics they gave me were the intravenous ones during/after surgery.
    To my knowledge, it makes no difference if antibiotics are given orally or intravenously - it still upsets the gut.

    I was on Tramadol, Gabapentin for a couple of weeks afterwards before I knocked then on the head!
    I take Co-codamol which is similar to Tramadol and it buggers up my digestive system no end, but it's the only drug which takes my migraine pain away...

    My OCD has me on the scales several times a day
    Throw them out. If they're not in the house, you cannot use them.

    I'm trying to be so vigilant about keeping my weight on but it's only fueling my anxiety! I've never had complete lack of appetite before although I can eat a meal but without any enjoyment :(
    The problem is that you are constantly thinking about it and that equals firing out those stress hormones.

    I had COMPLETE lack of appetite when I lost the plot!

    Just accept that this is how you feel now, but it will pass, You're not going to fixate on it and if those irrational thoughts come in (as they will) acknowledge them for what they are - thoughts.

    Work on relaxation techniques. Practice self-care. HYDRATE.

    It doesn't matter that you have no appetite. What matters is that you nourish your body anyway. Eat little but often. Protein shakes are good. Lots of soup which the body can digest easily, and little, or no, refined carbs and sugar. Those antibiotics stole all your good gut bacteria so sugar isn't a good idea at all!

    This will pass eventually..
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Neuropathy, Digestive Issues and Chasing my tail ...

    Please throw out those scales, WM? Weighing yourself soon becomes an obsession.

    I've lost weight despite eating normally for me. My GP was determined to find some sinister reason for this despite me having gone through 3 major life events very quickly in the past year. Tests and scans revealed nothing awful thankfully. The GP has gone very quiet now because it's an anxiety issue.

  7. #17
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    Feb 2016

    Re: Neuropathy, Digestive Issues and Chasing my tail ...

    Quote Originally Posted by pulisa View Post
    Please throw out those scales, WM? Weighing yourself soon becomes an obsession.

    I've lost weight despite eating normally for me. My GP was determined to find some sinister reason for this despite me having gone through 3 major life events very quickly in the past year. Tests and scans revealed nothing awful thankfully. The GP has gone very quiet now because it's an anxiety issue.
    Thank you pulisa x
    If you are one of the lucky souls allowed to enter NZ at this time please remember two things:

    1. We did the hard months in lockdown abiding by rules for you to get here.
    2. No one gives a shit if you prefer white towels or hotels with sea views.
    You're in quarantine for fourteen days ...obey the rules.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Neuropathy, Digestive Issues and Chasing my tail ...

    Hope you've made some progress on this, WM and that the consultation gave you more clarity?

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