Hi, I am a 63 year old female and never suffered from migraines in the past. However, about 2 years ago I suffered what I now know was an Aura Migraine. Only lasted about 20 minutes but was very scary. I then had another one about 6 weeks later, again only lasting about 20 minutes. The only symptom was a zigzag halo in my vision. I went to my gp and also had an eye test. Told me is was an Aura Migraine and nothing to worry about.
Then out of the blue I got another one yesterday, again only lasting 20 minutes. I stupidly googled and apparently it is unusual to start getting these in your 60’s if you haven’t previously suffered from migraines. Also increased risk of stroke, which really scares me 😟
Anyone else in the same situation? Thank you.