It's been a good while since I last posted on here, almost exactly three years. As the title says I seem to have had a bit of a relapse this week. I had anxiety and suffered from panic attacks for about 10 years or so. Three and half years ago I felt like I'd hit rock bottom and was having a breakdown. So I started on medication - Fluoxetine and Propranolol and also began CBT. It took some time but it made a definite difference to my life. I started doing things I'd previously stopped doing, was able to socialise and basically I started feeling 'normal' or at least a lot closer to it!

For a week or two I haven't felt myself at all and it was starting to get to me. Stupidly I was worried about something being wrong with me and I believe that this is what kicked things off this week. On Tuesday afternoon I had my first panic attack in at least a year. The last one I had I was able to deal with it quite easily. Not only didn't it stop me doing what I was doing (at a football match) but before the match had finished I was fine and carried on with the rest of my day as normal. I had no lasting effects from it and didn't have any follow up ones. On Tuesday I could actually feel it coming on, but with the past experience I just told myself that I knew what it was and how to handle it. For some reason though I couldn't deal with it a I could before and it kind of exploded on me. It left me feeling shaken up a bit but as the evening progressed I felt like I was getting back to normal. However both Wednesday and today I've woken up with that anxious/panic feeling and it's sticking around all day, sometimes intensifying and sometimes easing off a bit. Now, I know that I'm worrying about it starting up again full time, so this isn't helping matters much, and may actually be what the last two days have been about. With my CBT, and just some common sense, I think I can see what triggered it initially, and I think it's continuing at least in part because I'm now worrying about it being back, but again I can see it. This should be helping to deal with it but it doesn't seem to be and I'm not sure what to do?

I know this is just panic/anxiety and I know it can't hurt me but it isn't particularly pleasant and obviously I don't want to start feeling like this again on a regular basis.

I just wondered if anyone had been through something similar and had any advice in terms of how to deal with it after a period of not having it? And did it come back hard when it did come back, as mine has definitely come back strong, shaky most of the day, no appetite, adrenaline rushes, the usual things. I'm still on my medication, which is 40g Fluoxetine and 40g Propranolol, that hasn't changed over all of this time.

So any tips/advice please would be most welcome.