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Thread: Efexor increase gig

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2019

    Efexor increase gig

    I read on them forums that when you raise efexor dose says from 75 to 150 that them side effects come back. Does that mean anothet month of hell or dont they hang around so long

    Also how long musst ypus wait til yous feel positive effect


    Maca is the Efexor warrior hete so he shud know. 300 is big dose but if keepin yous fine n dandy then way to go

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Re: Efexor increase gig

    Never really had any SE's with my increase, perhaps just some head zaps and disturbed sleep.

    Nothing too bad.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2019

    Re: Efexor increase gig

    Thanks for helpful reply Maca.

    The main purpose for puttin up this here shred was to give Ian panic chance to redeem hisself. Too bad he never taken it. I guess he still sore from gettin reality check. Aint never a good idea to look for re cognition on a ding forum bevause yous cant get in real world, yous just set yousself up for disapointment

    Wnen I criticizeing folk it aint for fun or coz I got a grudge. Its coz I spot constant unacceptable behavior and wanna give said folk some insight to help them change wr9ngngful ways and maybe become better person. I aint no saint too but got strong sense of what aint acceptable. Im first to admit n apologize when I done somethin whats wrongful and try not to do same again. Folk gets carried away by there ego. I actually doesnt care when folk does bad to me but yous gotta say some thing when said folks behavior can harm other folk.

    Thefe aint no folk what is all good same as aint no folk what is all bad. People do constant bad cozza ignorance or mental ilness or personality disorder or autism. Many folk what doze bad dont realize theys done bad coz they got different rules from mosta us.

    I was in Ghan with psychos what enjoyed killing. They wanted to kill more folk than other grunts. Police, army n prisons is fulla nasty folk with brain/personality disorders. Ill be damned if I knows the difference between mental illness and personality disorders. Police got the most psychos coz theys enjoy violence and guns. In the army some grunts was more scary than the enemy. Theys cud ezily shoot yous in the back and say it was a accident. Thats why on patrol yous gotta be sure its a buddy coverin your ass. Navy n air aint so bad bit I cant swim.

    You gotta learn to forgive. Not just coz it sayz that in the bible but for your mental health. Carryin hate n bitterness in yous mean yous cant never find inner peace what is what we all want.

    You gotta forgive folk even if they done something terrible like kill loved one or sex abuse yous. It cant be ezy.

    Only advice is to practice loving kindnesd meditation. Imagine hated folk floating outta your body in miniature form with heart attached. Yous feel only love for hated folk. Like yous they just wanna be happy. Damn difficult but yous gotta try.

    If yous wonderin why I keep stoppin and startin AD its coz I dont got a doc or dosh to buy the shit. I live off scraps what got handed back coz folk stopped takin or couldnt tolerate and Efexor alwayz available coz so many folk cant tolerate thats why I call it demon drug

    Too bad this here forum dont say yous how many hits a shred get. I know my posts is badly wrotw but gotta be more than a buncha bourgeous cronies all agreeing. Who cares 8f Scotland get lockdown lessen ykur a Scotty

    Nuff said.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Efexor increase gig

    Quote Originally Posted by lebonvin View Post
    The main purpose for puttin up this here shred was to give Ian panic chance to redeem hisself.
    LOL. You don't seem to read my replies so why should I bother, Charlie? You certainly don't seem to have read my response to the beginning of your crusade, so let me repeat it here:

    Quote Originally Posted by lebonvin
    Distressed folk dont need to know all tbe facts. They need comfort with positive input even if it ignores blunt truth.
    I completely disagree, Charlie. A very wise man by the name of Gary Cooper, no not the actor, once told me that the biggest mistake you can make is to treat the anxious and/or depressed as invalids in need of protection from life because they'll end up becoming one.

    Patting people's hands and telling them everything will be fine when you know damn well it may not be not only misleads them, but devalues them. Ime, people with anxiety disorders are far tougher than you seem to give them credit for. When the brown stuff is hitting the fan I'd far rather have someone with an anxiety disorder protecting my back than someone who's never been tested. Most of the anxious cope just fine in real adversity as long as they know what they are up against. It is the ordinary day to day that brings us undone.

    Ime, more than half of those who come to support groups such as this one do so because their doctors have treated them as mushrooms, kept them in the dark and fed them BS. Have told them nothing, or outright lied about side-effects, how long it takes for ADs to really kick-in, or the likelihood of the first AD tried working, instead of preparing them properly for what may lay ahead. And for every one that comes here and learns the real score and is encouraged to stick with it there are hundreds, maybe thousands who simply give up, toss their meds in the bin and continue to suffer needlessly. Well, sorry to disappoint you, Charlie, but I'm not going to compound that folly. If you want to then on you head be it.

    And on the specifics on what I think triggered this, how would you have reacted if I didn't point out the possibility of venlafaxine not working for you again and why until after it failed and you'd wasted months waiting for it to work?

    If you believe people aren't getting the support you believe they need then feel free to offer it, but spare me the sermons, Charlie. I'm not buying.

    I was in Ghan
    If you served in Afghanistan aren't you entitled to free medical treatment by the VHA?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Efexor increase gig

    Hi Ian
    I have been on the Ghan geez it was a great trip.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Efexor increase gig

    Quote Originally Posted by Lolalee1 View Post
    I have been on the Ghan geez it was a great trip.
    Me too, but the old one that rattled through the deserts to the Alice at barely above walking pace and if you wanted air conditioning you opened a window. Fortunately, we didn't get marooned by flood waters and have to forage for food for days to weeks, but folks a month, or two later weren't so lucky. OTOH, The Ghan 1.0 was a lot cheaper than the new one! I've heard it can cost over $4k Adelaide to Darwin one way.

    As a sandgroper who's mostly lived and worked on the east coast I've taken the Indian Pacific several times when the thought of again being bored witless crossing the Nullabor to see family became too much, but the last time my almost new car had several windows broken so I went off the idea.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Efexor increase gig

    I reckon that would have been an adventure on the Ghan back then.The price on the train one way was $5890 for platinum. The old one reminds me of the Sunlander in Qld gosh that was slow, I have only been on the Indian Pacific to Adelaide, I have rode my motorcycle to Broome that was a real adventure had a major panic attack along way but made it there in one piece

    Driving to Perth would have been a long boring trip especially crossing the Nullarbor,did you hit many roos cause my sister said they must have wiped out about a dozen one way their car had front end damage even with a bull bar they never drove over there again.
    I remember getting the Spirit of Progress to Melbourne as a kid crikey the smoke filled carriages back then made me sick so we flew back to Sydney.
    I would be in Tassie now if it wasn’t for Covid the heat and humidity up here in The Whitsundays is horrible and it’s only Spring.I dread the summer months ahead.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Efexor increase gig

    Quote Originally Posted by Lolalee1 View Post
    The price on the train one way was $5890 for platinum.
    Gulp! The champers would have had to be very good...and lots of it!

    to Broome that was a real adventure had a major panic attack along way
    That's unusual. Most people don't have PAs until they get to Broome and discover how expensive the beer is!

    did you hit many roos cause my sister said they must have wiped out about a dozen one way their car had front end damage even with a bull bar
    Amateurs. I grew up in the bush north east of Kalgoorlie and began driving when I was just big enough to reach the pedals at around 9/10 yo. In the over 60 years since I've only ever hit a couple of birds, never anything on the road, although I did have a very close shave a couple of months ago. Tasmania is the road kill capital of the world. I regularly pull the dead off to the side on my morning walks. The crows here are so fat they only waddle away from carcasses as cars approach.

    I would be in Tassie now if it wasn’t for Covid the heat and humidity up here in The Whitsundays is horrible and it’s only Spring.I dread the summer months ahead.
    And a lot of us in Tassie had been desperate to get north during winter. Apparently, it was one of the coldest and wettest in many years. Much of my working life was spent in Qld. I didn't mind the heat then, but the humidity was a constant source of aggravation. In my dotage, however, I've become less tolerant of heat which is why I moved here from Adelaide a couple of years ago.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2019

    Re: Efexor increase gig

    Way to go Ian panic!

    Just luvin da red disclaimer and new look gentle croaker image

    I knows how important this here forum is to your life. All is forgiven. Sorry at givin yous a hard time

    I can now retire gracefully from this here forum. Its good forum and done me good but I dont got no more use for it.

    Thank you bosses for toleratin me so long. If yous reading this, please can me or trash my account whatever eziest.

    Fare well


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