I saw the doctor a week ago because of niggling pains in my left breast. She examined me and reassured me that there was absolutely no signs of breast cancer and that I was 'very low risk for breast cancer'. However, there was considerable pain when she pressed very firmly on the breast, which seemed to be coming from the chest wall rather than the breast. She has referred me to the breast clinic triage service but re-iterated that it was not because she suspected breast cancer. It's 7 years since I had a mammogram (too old!) so I guess that's one reason for referring me. She listened to my chest and checked my oxygen level (very good) blood pressure and heart rate, all okay. She asked me if I was breathless, which i didn't think I was - needless to say I am now! Initial relief, but then of course the worries started to creep in as I wonder what caused the pain on examination. My sister-in-law died in June of lung cancer, all happened very quickly as she had no warning at all until her lung collapsed, at least that's what we understand but you never know really. So of course now I'm panicking on top line, whilst telling myself I have none of the symptoms of lung cancer. The referral letter says I'll either hear from the breast clinic or from the surgery if the clinic doesn't think I need to be seen by them. Heard nothing yet.

But how do I get the thoughts out of my head? How do I sleep? I tried slow deep breathing last night, but then got fixated on my breathing and couldn't relax at all. Only had a few hours sleep. Any advice on coping gladly accepted!