Woke up about a week ago with 'hollow' sounding tinnitus in my 'good' ear. I tried to pop my ear to see if that helped, but I couldn't, so it confirmed it's a blocked up eustachian tube, I don't think there's much fluid in there though, since it'd not echoey enough. I get pressure issues in my other ear sometimes, which is also the ear with slight hearing loss and is a bit weird in general. This congestion in the opposite ear has made it so, so, much more obvious though, and I only just (finally) got over panicking about the hearing loss, so that worry has come crashing back down. I honestly just want this ear to get unplugged and forget the whole thing again, the bad ear is easy enough to ignore when I can still listen to people with my good one without them sounding like robots (which they now do).

I suppose what I'm asking is, how does one unblock a eustachian tube?

I've tried steaming and a warm wash cloth to no avail. And the valsava (however you say it) technique isn't working either. I'm reluctant to go to the doctor, since my practice says to only go for 'serious concerns' at the moment as they're very busy, and they can't do much except grommets anyway. It's a serious concern for my anxiety but not so sure if it'd be for them! I have big exams first week of November as well, so I'm seriously struggling to study for them right now.