I am 39 year old asthmatic who has been deadly afraid of contracting COVID.
Was super careful, but guess what? Looks like this idiot has caught the virus.

I had a socially distanced dinner with my Dad last Sunday. Blankets were involved, we sat well apart.
Yesterday I woke up with hives all over my arms. Weird, I never get hives. Oh no, that's a Corona symptom.
But I was only in contact with Dad and he would have said something.
Minutes later I got his text. It was like in a movie. "Had to get tested, someone I spent time with tested positive."
But I'm sure he's fine, right? I'm sure his test will be negative.
Guess who's Dad just got his positive result and is now symptomatic (headache, tiredness), but mostly feeling ok?

I'm now sat here with my stupid hives (that very much look like a rash you get with COVID) monitoring my temp (normal so far)
waiting for the other shoe to drop. I don't know how I will get through the coming weeks. I am petrified of landing in the hospital, even dying.
I have severe health anxiety, so this is pretty much the worst thing that could happen.

I will try to get tested tomorrow but at this point it's mostly for confirmation. I feel like such a massive, unlucky fool.
And I'm scared to death.