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Thread: Pharmacy messed up, so annoyed right now

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2019

    Pharmacy messed up, so annoyed right now

    So I’ve been on a combination of 45mg mirtazapine, 337.5mg venlafaxine and 300mg quetiapine for a few months now and was really starting to feel like my old self these last couple of months. It’s been a long time coming, way longer than I’ve ever experienced before but finally getting there.

    I’m taking 2 x 150 and a 37.5mg tablet each day of ven...or so I thought until I just noticed my latest 37.5mg prescription packaging. The label on the box says 37.5 but the contents are 75mg. I literally only just noticed this and have been taking a higher dose for nearly two weeks now without realising. I was wondering why I was feeling a bit more agitated and have noticed I’ve been ruminating again.

    I feel so angry that the pharmacy have effed up my progress by not checking my prescription. I went over there to point out their mistake, got an apology and the correct tablets but I’m now worried whether I should just carry on with the higher dose or drop back....will 2 weeks on a higher dose cause withdrawal if I cut back again?

    Just as well I don’t have a serious heart condition, diabetes or something, a mistake like that could have caused a serious problem 😡

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Pharmacy messed up, so annoyed right now

    Quote Originally Posted by Jo79 View Post
    will 2 weeks on a higher dose cause withdrawal if I cut back again?
    In terms of chemistry, probably not, but anxious minds are capable of using such events to run riot if given half a chance so try and put this behind you, Jo.

    Just as well I don’t have a serious heart condition, diabetes or something, a mistake like that could have caused a serious problem 😡
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Re: Pharmacy messed up, so annoyed right now

    Hi Jo,
    Glad to hear your feeling better but i'm shocked that the pharmacy could make such a mistake obviously they didn't check the box contents. Still, good job you found out so you can get back to normal dose and keep getting better.

    Take care

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Pharmacy messed up, so annoyed right now

    Me too!! Several times, so always check!

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