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Thread: Abdominal and back pain

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Abdominal and back pain

    Hello All, I guess I am here again looking for some reassurance. I am not a frequent poster but this is my one go to place when my health anxiety kicks in. So a month ago I started with lower right abdominal pain. Sometime feels like hip and also radiate down into pelvis. More of a dull ache than a pain and also has radiated round to my lower back again same side. I am conscious of it all day every day and does not hurt more when move or eat. Probably a bit worse when sitting. As someone who has always drank too much at home (couple of glasses of wine most evenings) I am terrified it maybe liver or kidney related and my go to anxiety is always that it is cancerous. Having tried to muddle through for a month hoping it would go away and putting a brave face on but with it always on my mind I have bitten the butlet and went to see dr on Friday. She felt my abdomen and said I was not guarding against her exam and tummy was not hard. Also did wee sample and no issues there. Now waiting for appt for bloods on Thursday and very anxious. Plus pain is still there and moved mostly more central right abdomen. I did help
    My daughter move to uni about 3 days before the pain started but not sure muscular would
    Last this long, start several days after or move around abdomen and back so much. Worried about what bloods may show, and hate fact I back on this spiral of anxiety :(

    I did have something similar about 10 years ago that I had abdominal scan for but that was lower right and did not move centrally or affect back. Was also very dull pain always where as this is more crampy in middle at times with odd shooting pains occasionally. Other than the pain I feel well, eating ok, no weight fluctuation, no reflux and no changed toilet habits.

    Any ideas or similar experiences?

    Flump xx

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: Abdominal and back pain

    Apologies, I think I have posted in wrong place. Will put in the symptoms forum.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Worried about constant abdominal and back pain

    Abdominal and back pain
    Hello All, I guess I am here again looking for some reassurance. I am not a frequent poster but this is my one go to place when my health anxiety kicks in. So a month ago I started with lower right abdominal pain. Sometime feels like hip and also radiate down into pelvis. More of a dull ache than a pain and also has radiated round to my lower back again same side. I am conscious of it all day every day and does not hurt more when move or eat. Probably a bit worse when sitting. As someone who has always drank too much at home (couple of glasses of wine most evenings) I am terrified it maybe liver or kidney related and my go to anxiety is always that it is cancerous. Having tried to muddle through for a month hoping it would go away and putting a brave face on but with it always on my mind I have bitten the butlet and went to see dr on Friday. She felt my abdomen and said I was not guarding against her exam and tummy was not hard. Also did wee sample and no issues there. Now waiting for appt for bloods on Thursday and very anxious. Plus pain is still there and moved mostly more central right abdomen. I did help
    My daughter move to uni about 3 days before the pain started but not sure muscular would
    Last this long, start several days after or move around abdomen and back so much. Worried about what bloods may show, and hate fact I back on this spiral of anxiety :(

    I did have something similar about 10 years ago that I had abdominal scan for but that was lower right and did not move centrally or affect back. Was also very dull pain always where as this is more crampy in middle at times with odd shooting pains occasionally. Other than the pain I feel well, eating ok, no weight fluctuation, no reflux and no changed toilet habits.

    Any ideas or similar experiences?

    Flump xx

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Abdominal and back pain


    This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

    Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

    It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2017

    Re: Abdominal and back pain

    I havn't got any advice unfortunately but I'm going through the same thing at the moment. I've had a pain next to my belly button on the right hand side for over a month now which started when I was exercising and hasn't gone. I've mentioned it to my doctor over the phone (amongst lots of other issues) and he just said to give it a couple of weeks after I'd been on a higher dose of my Sertaline as he said it might help if the symptoms are anxiety but that was a few weeks ago now. I've also started with pains lower down which I'm hoping is just ovulation as it's the middle of my cycle. You should be really proud of yourself booking an appointment with the doctor as it's something I struggle with. I'm sure it will all be fine, but I had bloods taken a couple of months ago and it was a really anxious time until they came back normal (after having to have some repeats done which terrified me!)so I know how you feel. Please let us know how you get on!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: Abdominal and back pain

    Thanks Melie for replying and sorry you are suffering too. Making the appointment was quite a big one for me too as had been putting it off as while not starting on the journey of having tests etc I can pretend everything is ok. Although not really fooling anyone as on my mind all the time and am just really going through the motions with everyone and driving husband nuts by mentioning it and seeking reassurance several times a day. I am dreading the bloods on Thursday and the panicky days I know will come waiting for results afterwards. Good news your bloods have come back normal. That must be reassuring? Have you any other symptoms apart from pain? I haven’t so I am hoping this is muscular but not sure with way it has moved around although I am no expert on anatomy and don’t know what muscles there are in abdomen and how linked and the one thing I have managed with my anxiety is to learn not to google. Having said that I still innocently find myself stumbling over stupid triggers. Latest one on a social media site saying kidney signs you should not ignore. Not clicking it as know it will send me spiralling but know the avoidance probably isn’t good either. Just wish this pain would do one. Your doctor does not seem too concerned which is also good? Take care and thanks again for replying.

    Love flump xx

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Abdominal and back pain

    Quote Originally Posted by flumpkin View Post
    So a month ago I started with lower right abdominal pain. Sometime feels like hip and also radiate down into pelvis. More of a dull ache than a pain and also has radiated round to my lower back again same side. I am conscious of it all day every day and does not hurt more when move or eat. Probably a bit worse when sitting. As someone who has always drank too much at home (couple of glasses of wine most evenings) I am terrified it maybe liver or kidney related
    Your liver is top right quadrant and that's where pain would most likely be if there was an issue with it. That's certainly where my mate's pain was and she had a problem with her liver. So I'd forget this one...

    Re kidneys, there's nothing in your wee and if there was an issue with your kidneys I'd imagine something will show up in your bloods...

    Plus pain is still there and moved mostly more central right abdomen.
    Sounds more colon-y to me. I'm having issues of the colon kind at the moment too..

    not sure muscular would last this long
    I've had muscular pains last for 3 months..

    I did have something similar about 10 years ago that I had abdominal scan for but that was lower right and did not move centrally or affect back. Was also very dull pain always where as this is more crampy in middle at times with odd shooting pains occasionally.
    Sounds even more colon-y to me now (IBS)

    Other than the pain I feel well, eating ok, no weight fluctuation, no reflux and no changed toilet habits.
    See, I do have these symptoms (except reflux) only I'm not panicking because I sorted out the HA.

    Have I given you what you need? As in reassurance? Because this will only help you for a short time. What will help you long-term is to address your health anxiety. Have you had any therapy Flump?

    If I were you, I'd also be cutting back on the sauce. That will be one less thing to worry about.
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: Abdominal and back pain

    Thanks Nora, all very valid points and what you are saying is starting to resonate with me. I know I go looking for reassurance when I have a issue and I know it is only short term until the next thing. I am lucky in that my HA crisises are fairly infrequent.

    I read something on here in the HA forum over the past few days (forgive me I have read a lot on here, looking for the magic reassurance, so can’t remember who posted, it may have been you) but the gist was that you have to accept you are going to die at some point and live your life in the meantime. I think I have very black and white thinking linked to ocd thoughts and expect things to be 100% fine or absolute worse case scenario. I think I have to accept something will get me at some point, although hopefully many years away yet but as I age the possibility gets higher. There are no guarantees but I need to enjoy life now and deal with issues and facts as they arise. In a way I think I am doing this currently as I waited 4 weeks to see if pain went and carrying on as normal at work and home and trying to distract myself when start thinking about it, telling myself I have been to dr like normal person and that she has recommended blood tests which I will have on Thursday and see what next step is from there. I can’t stop my mind doing what it does but can not let it run away with itself?

    I have had cbt years ago when I had my first experience of health anxiety. Like many the trigger was a breast lump that needed investigation a year or so after the birth of my daughter and the anxiety centrals a lot around not seeing her grow up or leaving her. She is an adult now and the anxiety is now I don’t see her settled, married, with grandkids etc. I guess the thing is there will never be a time I want to leave her. And I recognise that.

    Drinking wise I have had 2 bottles of wine throughout the whole of October and nothing in November so far. The drinks in October were nights out for bdays and not just the habitual drinking at home. I genuinely want to stop drinking and do recognise it is a problem and is not good health wise or anxiety wise. I need to ensure I don’t lapse back into it if I get the alll clear with my latest issue. At this point I don’t think I will but have been here before and need to ensure I do actually stop this time.

    Sorry for rambling on. Thank you for replying. I hope my post makes some sense. Any tips or help and support are very welcome.

    Sorry you have issues too

    Live flump x
    Last edited by flumpkin; 03-11-20 at 11:27.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Abdominal and back pain

    Quote Originally Posted by flumpkin View Post

    I read something on here in the HA forum over the past few days (forgive me I have read a lot on here, looking for the magic reassurance, so can’t remember who posted, it may have been you) but the gist was that you have to accept you are going to die at some point and live your life in the meantime.
    That sounds very me, yes.

    I think I have to accept something will get me at some point, although hopefully many years away yet but as I age the possibility gets higher.
    I can guarantee 100% that you will die one day. Me too, and everybody else on this forum.

    You may be one of the lucky ones and not get a serious illness, but even that doesn't mean death. It's just that, to the HA mind, there is no in-between.

    In a way I think I am doing this currently as I waited 4 weeks to see if pain went and carrying on as normal at work and home and trying to distract myself when start thinking about it
    Can I suggest that you don't push the thought away when it comes?

    Let the thought in, because that's all it is - a thought.

    Try not to react with fear, but even if you do, just remember that this is the stress response (your body working normally)

    Then, go and do something.

    If the thought comes with you - just acknowledge it in a, 'I'm having this thought again? Ok'. It's just a thought. It's not the truth. It's just my mind telling me lies'.

    I can’t stop my mind doing what it does but can not let it run away with itself?
    It's not about stopping, blocking and never having these thoughts. It's what you do with these thoughts that matters. And it's fear which presses on the accelerator.

    I have had cbt years ago when I had my first experience of health anxiety. Like many the trigger was a breast lump that needed investigation a year or so after the birth of my daughter and the anxiety centrals a lot around not seeing her grow up or leaving her. She is an adult now and the anxiety is now I don’t see her settled, married, with grandkids etc. I guess the thing is there will never be a time I want to leave her.
    Totally understand. This was my fear too, and I had a nervous breakdown. I say this as gently as I can - but in order to recover from HA - you have to surrender this fear and accept that you cannot control when you die. All you can do is try to keep yourself well, and make those special memories while you are here and trust that your daughter will survive without you, because she will.

    Drinking wise I have had 2 bottles of wine throughout the whole of October and nothing in November so far.
    I don't drink because my body won't tolerate it anymore, but I've done my fair share, trust me. Some days I would give anything for a nice glass of red wine or a pint of real ale. But it's just not worth it anymore...

    Good work on cutting down. You're being proactive and that's great.

    Sorry for rambling on. Thank you for replying. I hope my post makes some sense. Any tips or help and support are very welcome.
    Happy to help Flump. X
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: Abdominal and back pain

    Quote Originally Posted by NoraB View Post

    Can I suggest that you don't push the thought away when it comes?

    Let the thought in, because that's all it is - a thought.

    Try not to react with fear, but even if you do, just remember that this is the stress response (your body working normally)

    Then, go and do something.

    If the thought comes with you - just acknowledge it in a, 'I'm having this thought again? Ok'. It's just a thought. It's not the truth. It's just my mind telling me lies'.

    It's not about stopping, blocking and never having these thoughts. It's what you do with these thoughts that matters. And it's fear which presses on the accelerator.

    thanks Nora for the advice. I guess trying to block out the thoughts in a way makes them stronger. What you suggest makes sense in that I need to just accept it as a thought but realise a thought can’t hurt me and what I need to do is follow the process / next step from the dr and deal with actual facts. Makes sense but I need to put it into practice! With the blood tests due tomorrow I am trying to do this. Had a few wobbles today thinking what if pain is muscular and I have blood tests and it then shows kidney/liver issue. Have told myself whatever it is better to know and yes bloods may show something but equally may not and that if there is an issue I have to cross that ridge at time and see what dr suggests. It does not have to be something incurable, and if is then I can’t change it by worrying. I have been answering the little voice in my head a lot today 😁. Still nervous but still functioning!

    love flump x

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