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Thread: Armpit lump found by doctor. Spiraling mentally

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2015

    Armpit lump found by doctor. Spiraling mentally

    Hi all
    Last month I had some underarm pain but I didn’t find anything. It went away so I chart it up to my period.

    Today I went to gyn doctor for something else and since I felt the same breast pain again, I asked her to check. It’s about the time my period shall start too.

    She felt a lump under the armpit near the breast side. When she pressed on it, it felt tender to me. She said it felt soft but she refers me to breast clinic to check anyway. She said it would be 2-3 weeks to get an appointment. I’m 40 years old. My mammogram was 5 months ago in June and it was all clear.

    I’m trying to stay calm but I can’t. I checked myself in the same area when I got home. I could feel the tenderness but I couldn’t feel the lump she felt. Maybe I don’t even know What I’m feeling. Maybe it’s been there since last month or so. By the way, 2 weeks ago I felt very bad, dizziness, fatigue, nausea for 3-4 days. I feels better now so I’m hoping it’s my lymph node swelling up because I was sick.

    I just don’t know how I can deal while waiting or 2-3 weeks. I have 2 young kids and the thought of leaving them made me tear up. Appreciate your thoughts if you had similar experience and turned out nothing :( Thanks for reading

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Armpit lump found by doctor. Spiraling mentally

    Quote Originally Posted by nhelen79 View Post
    She said it felt soft but she refers me to breast clinic to check anyway. She said it would be 2-3 weeks to get an appointment. I’m 40 years old. My mammogram was 5 months ago in June and it was all clear.
    Hi, I understand this must be scary, but what I'm seeing is 'soft' (BC tumours are generally hard and immobile) and a clear mammogram within the last 6 months.

    Given your symptoms a few weeks ago, I'd say the most likely cause is an infection that your body is still trying to clear.

    Your GP is making sure, is all.

    Try not to go down the rabbit hole with this because you will be dealing with a hyperstimulated system long after you've been given the all clear.

    I haven't had this particular experience, but I know many women who have - and not one of them turned out to have cancer. X
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  3. #3
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    Oct 2015

    Re: Armpit lump found by doctor. Spiraling mentally

    Thanks Nora. I’m trying my best not to google. Have not able to focus at all after today appointment. I just realized that maybe I’ve not learned the proper way to do self breast exam because she could feel the lump and I can’t tell if it’s breast tissue or muscles ..

  4. #4
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Armpit lump found by doctor. Spiraling mentally

    Quote Originally Posted by nhelen79 View Post
    Thanks Nora. I’m trying my best not to google. Have not able to focus at all after today appointment. I just realized that maybe I’ve not learned the proper way to do self breast exam because she could feel the lump and I can’t tell if it’s breast tissue or muscles ..
    You could ask them to show you how to do a self-exam when you go to the breast clinic?

    Don't Google. It won't help you. All it will do is trigger the stress response and these symptoms will send you spiralling.

    Try to rationalise and accept that not most lumps and bumps are not cancer. But that you have been proactive (good) in asking the gynae doctor to look at it. In sending you to the appropriate clinic, she's doing her job -but I would feel reassured that she's not concerned.

    Now you need to be proactive in addressing the health anxiety, and this is the perfect time to start. Allow those irrational thoughts to come. Observe them, but try not to react with fear.

    The next few weeks will drag or fly depending on you. My recent US came round really fast because I forgot about it most of the time. In the past, when my HA was active, every minute would feel like an hour and those 2 weeks felt like a lifetime..

    Time spent worrying about leaving your kids is quality time you are denying yourself with them. None of us know what life holds, so we have to work with what we know we have - which is this moment.

    It is possible to make some happy memories even in this period of anxiety. I did with my son. X
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Armpit lump found by doctor. Spiraling mentally

    I know how hard it is not to speculate but you are in the system now and waiting for an appointment for the breast clinic experts to make that diagnosis of the lesion..if indeed there is one. If you try to self-diagnose or google you will tie yourself up in knots when you still need to be a functioning mum to your children..

    You could well get an appointment sooner than you think and I hope you do because it's horrible just waiting and wondering...You would be taught how to self-examine effectively there too if you needed further advice.

    You had a clear mammogram 6 months ago which is very reassuring x

  6. #6
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    Oct 2015

    Re: Armpit lump found by doctor. Spiraling mentally

    Update: I’m able to schedule a mammogram and ultrasound by this Friday but the appointment to meet the breast surgeon won’t be until end of Nov

    I’m trying to hang in there but everytime I look at my kids, I just wanted to cry. Going to see my GP and hear her opinion on the lump on Thursday.

    Everything seems so surreal

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Re: Armpit lump found by doctor. Spiraling mentally

    I would just like to chime in, in order to help you not feel so scared and anxious: as Nora pointed out, soft and movable is good; pain as well. I am saying this because when I I had a scare almost ten years ago, that is what the breast specialist told me. BC does not have pain as first sign, in most of the cases. Also, recent clean mammogram! I also want to tell you how I felt horrible at the time because of my son. I will be praying that your worries disappear very soon.

  8. #8
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Armpit lump found by doctor. Spiraling mentally

    Quote Originally Posted by nhelen79 View Post

    I’m trying to hang in there but everytime I look at my kids, I just wanted to cry.
    Next time you look at your kids? Find the lioness within you, not the frightened little mouse.

    If one of your children was going through a worrying time with their health, how would you respond to them? Would you show them fear? Or would you encourage them to be courageous?

    Tears have their place. I advocate a good old cry where the snot runs down my face, I look like a panda, and I can't breathe. It can be very cathartic. But then it's up with big girl pants and onwards..

    You are hanging in there, but you can do better if you put your mind to it. X
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  9. #9
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    Oct 2015

    Re: Armpit lump found by doctor. Spiraling mentally

    Today is my scan day. It’s nerve wracking but I will try my best to face it.

  10. #10

    Re: Armpit lump found by doctor. Spiraling mentally

    How did you get on? I went to the doctor today with one breast lump and she found 2 more!! I’ve been referred on and am so scared!

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