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Thread: Keeping schools open is stupid

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Keeping schools open is stupid

    Quote Originally Posted by WiredIncorrectly View Post

    He has his own website. I can't list it due to his age, but he writes articles related to Roblox game development to help other people.
    It's my son's dream to do stuff like this. Gaming is his world. It's how he copes with life, bless him.

    If schools do ever shut down, there are ways to teach kids in a different way. I've had to learn and figure out how he learns best and apply it to what he enjoys; which is game development and programming.
    Problem is that I'm autistic too and when my son goes into meltdown I have to work very hard to keep my own anxiety from shutting me down - because I go the opposite way to him when I'm overloaded. When they had to shut the school earlier this year (because of staff levels) I found myself in a situation where I was out of my depth because I have a learning disability (Dyscalculia) so can you imagine me trying to help my son with maths? Nightmare!

    Homework is a massive trigger for my son, and most every child at the school - which is why they only have reading to do.

    However, despite this being an autism specialist school (and generally they get things right) that first week a fifty page file was sent home and most of the kids had meltdowns just looking at it!

    It was a learning curve for the school as well, and I accept that, but as far as I'm concerned, if shutdown happens again it will be independence lessons I'll be teaching my son.

    Hubs can do the maths etc but, even then, he suffers from neurotypicalism and he forgets the effect tone of voice can have on an autistic individual - especially when they are anxious.

    My son will engage if it involves his obsessions, but we have to make it not school-like, if you get me? So the school sending work they would have been doing at school was never going to work.

    Maybe I'm caught up in the "emergency" hysteria spread by the media. People keep telling me I've been caught in the fear trap. Whatever that means.
    I operate on a 'need to know' basis. My anxiety can't handle people's Covid hysteria and the drama of the BBC on a daily basis. I listen to Uncle Boris when I have to, do as I'm instructed, and accept that this will pass as everything does.

    In all honesty, this lockdown is bothering me more than the first because I have fibro and I always get flare-ups this time of year due to cold and damp. I can't get out for walks, and that has a direct effect on my mental health. In spring I was wandering about in the woods taking pics of the masses of bluebells. Very different this time around.

    I try and improvise by taking myself for a virtual walk on Youtube. There is a lovely coastal one that I use a lot. That, some essential oil, and nature sounds, and I can trick my mind into thinking I'm really there.
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Keeping schools open is stupid

    Quote Originally Posted by NoraB View Post
    It's my son's dream to do stuff like this. Gaming is his world. It's how he copes with life, bless him.

    Problem is that I'm autistic too and when my son goes into meltdown I have to work very hard to keep my own anxiety from shutting me down - because I go the opposite way to him when I'm overloaded. When they had to shut the school earlier this year (because of staff levels) I found myself in a situation where I was out of my depth because I have a learning disability (Dyscalculia) so can you imagine me trying to help my son with maths? Nightmare!

    Homework is a massive trigger for my son, and most every child at the school - which is why they only have reading to do.

    However, despite this being an autism specialist school (and generally they get things right) that first week a fifty page file was sent home and most of the kids had meltdowns just looking at it!

    It was a learning curve for the school as well, and I accept that, but as far as I'm concerned, if shutdown happens again it will be independence lessons I'll be teaching my son.

    Hubs can do the maths etc but, even then, he suffers from neurotypicalism and he forgets the effect tone of voice can have on an autistic individual - especially when they are anxious.

    My son will engage if it involves his obsessions, but we have to make it not school-like, if you get me? So the school sending work they would have been doing at school was never going to work.

    I operate on a 'need to know' basis. My anxiety can't handle people's Covid hysteria and the drama of the BBC on a daily basis. I listen to Uncle Boris when I have to, do as I'm instructed, and accept that this will pass as everything does.

    In all honesty, this lockdown is bothering me more than the first because I have fibro and I always get flare-ups this time of year due to cold and damp. I can't get out for walks, and that has a direct effect on my mental health. In spring I was wandering about in the woods taking pics of the masses of bluebells. Very different this time around.

    I try and improvise by taking myself for a virtual walk on Youtube. There is a lovely coastal one that I use a lot. That, some essential oil, and nature sounds, and I can trick my mind into thinking I'm really there.
    Don't mean to undermine your concerns Nora, but I personally feel this second lockdown is (metaphorically) a walk in the park compared to the first one back in the spring.

    IMO it's not really a lockdown, it's more the whole of England put into a 'phantom' Tier 4.

    Sadly I think the term 'lockdown' is probably the only language the thicko Covidiot rule-breakers can comprehend, hence its use.
    Last edited by Lencoboy; 06-11-20 at 08:30.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Re: Keeping schools open is stupid

    Quote Originally Posted by NoraB View Post
    It's my son's dream to do stuff like this. Gaming is his world. It's how he copes with life, bless him.
    How old is he Nora? I'm passionate about programming and feel like all children should have the chance to explore it as early as possible. It allows a child to express their creativity in a different way; like making games, or creating algorithms. It promotes logical thinking too because in programming your code has to make decisions and you have to program those decisions.

    Like this:

    if human.touched then
    human.Health = human.Health - 10

    or like this ...

    if human.Health <= 0 then

    You can probably understand that yourself by reading it. If the human health is less than or equal to zero kill the player

    I've got an idea, but I don't know if it's something people want, but I thought about a Youtube channel teaching Roblox game development from the very very basics with an aim at teaching kids logical thinking, and mathematics, through game.
    The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away.

    “I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned.” - Richard Feynman


  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Keeping schools open is stupid

    It's all Double Dutch to me

    There is the addictive element to gaming to consider though? It can get out of control and cause real problems.

  5. #15
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    Jul 2016

    Re: Keeping schools open is stupid

    Quote Originally Posted by pulisa View Post
    It's all Double Dutch to me

    There is the addictive element to gaming to consider though? It can get out of control and cause real problems.
    As my son is getting older he's going to want to play consoles and tablets. But, being the cautious parent knowing what a lot of these games do (get you addicted) he's only really had a kindle paperwhite, computer and DS. He's only recently started playing games on his PC. But I ensure the gaming he does is offline. He does get to play Roblox but only when he's with me, or his cousins are here.

    Early on in life I gave him an iPad, and a console. But I quickly seen how he'd sit on the tablet rather than play with toys. He'd wet himself and poop himself because he didn't want to put the tablet down to go to the toilet. I sold it, and we started buying him toys and lego. Every parent has the Lego addiction problem ... right? My son is addicted. He has some sort of addictive nature.

    He can't get addicted to games because he doesn't have the ability to sit on them all day. He has to clean his room, and ensure his attitude is correct, if he wants screen time. He doesn't have a smartphone.

    All throughout this I tell him why, and I show him what the game companies are doing to get children addicted. He's aware.

    He can use the computer at any time, so long as it's programming. For me that's something constructive on the computer. It's like having to ask for sweets, but being able to take as much fruit as you like. If that makes sense? And sometimes he doesn't want to code, so he won't touch the computer.

    Because my son knows games are addictive he asks how a game is able to make somebody addicted. I don't have all the answers for him, but he cottoned on it. He asked "If I make an addictive game I could be rich?" and the answer is absolutely. What I say to him now is rather than waste hours and hours playing games, be the person who makes the games who makes the money. That way at least you profit and you're still doing something you enjoy.

    The gaming industry is straight up gambling today. If you're somebody who enjoys games you're either the consumer or the producer. It's always better to be the producer, while laying down some morals.

    It's really difficult to make a game and not want to make it addictive. If you're not doing it somebody else is and their game will do better than yours. Kids are interested in the numbers next to the games. If it's not popular they're not interested. Every modern popular game since Mario (and maybe before) has been designed with some sort of input from neural scientists.

    I hope that makes sense. This goes for mobile applications and things like the Fitbit too.

    But hey, you say it looks like double dutch. Is that the only thing stopping you wanting to give programming a try or do you think it's just something you're not interested in? I'm just interested to know the responses of non programmers.
    The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away.

    “I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned.” - Richard Feynman


  6. #16
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    Re: Keeping schools open is stupid

    As for me, I'm just not into anything like that. I appreciate that it's a form of escapism but it just doesn't appeal to me. My son is keen on Nintendo 64 and his Goldeneye game-nothing else. My daughter used to love playing Mario and Pokemon games but hasn't touched them for years. Their adult cousin is totally addicted to gaming though.

  7. #17
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    Re: Keeping schools open is stupid

    Quote Originally Posted by pulisa View Post
    As for me, I'm just not into anything like that. I appreciate that it's a form of escapism but it just doesn't appeal to me. My son is keen on Nintendo 64 and his Goldeneye game-nothing else. My daughter used to love playing Mario and Pokemon games but hasn't touched them for years. Their adult cousin is totally addicted to gaming though.
    Strange, that was my favorite game too (007 on the N64). I'm a Pokemon addict but only really play the first generation games and cards. 007 was groundbreaking for its time and there's entire documentaries on it which you probably know about if your son is hooked on it.
    The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away.

    “I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned.” - Richard Feynman


  8. #18
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    Re: Keeping schools open is stupid

    Oh yes..It's a cult game. I managed to get a second hand N64 and GE game for him when he came out of hospital. It's the envy of his Bond forum!

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Keeping schools open is stupid

    Playing Goldeneye multiplayer stoned whilst eating a kebab was the highlight of my 20s.

    Wow, sad

  10. #20
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    Re: Keeping schools open is stupid

    Quote Originally Posted by ankietyjoe View Post
    Playing Goldeneye multiplayer stoned whilst eating a kebab was the highlight of my 20s.

    Wow, sad
    Not at all....Simple pleasures are always the best.

    My son's knowledge of Goldeneye is immense. He can recite the entire film script from memory. Playing the N64 game this Spring really helped him to rehabilitate after months in hospital on a psych ward.

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