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Thread: Head Pressure and dizziness for 5/6 weeks

  1. #21
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Head Pressure and dizziness for 5/6 weeks

    Hi glassgirlw

    Mine isn't like that at all although I can't speak for Eevie but I'm pretty sure we have the same thing.
    I don't go dizzy or feel dizzy when I move my head or body.
    It's more like a state of feeling, like being off balanced with the head feeling weird. Moments of feeling like you are leaning to the right, left and forward. With what I presume is lack of grounding with that walking on a boat feeling, feeling drunk, walking on a sponge.
    It comes up as anxiety symptoms and as I have quite a collection of other symptoms too I'm putting my money on it being that.

    Eevie, do you get moments where is disappears or are you like it all the time?
    Do you have any other symptoms to go with this like twitching muscles or vibrating in the body? x

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2018

    Re: Head Pressure and dizziness for 5/6 weeks

    Hey, there!

    I've actually been suffering with something not dissimilar to this for the past two weeks or so! I'm fortunate in the fact that it seems to have subsided considerably (although there was always some fluctuation in its intensity) over the past few days, but for a week or so I was really worried. It started with what I'm pretty sure was a "legitimate" headache caused by eating leftover sweets on Halloween that aggravated a tooth which then became a self-perpetuating one I was causing by tensing my scalp, as if I was bracing against the original, "real" headache or something. It was accompanied by some changes in ear pressure (which happened mostly after exercise) so, of course, I began to worry that I had something seriously awry in my head. I had plenty of evidence to the contrary - I had been having ear things for months, including a build up of wax, and I had identified the way I was tensing my scalp and neck muscles and how it made my tension headache worse - but internalising this information was, as ever, the main obstacle.

    And, because of my persistent worry, the symptoms definitely got worse. Until I started getting dizzy when I stood up and tried to move around. Really quite so, in fact, with the "rocking boat" sensation occurring at least once. This was around the height of my anxiety about the symptoms. Symptoms that scared me so much because, like some of the posters here, I'd lived with anxiety my whole life but never had it really affect my head at all. Isn't it amazing the physiological outlets our anxiety finds to express itself?

    All of this was enough to get me back on my sertraline. I'd resisted because since lockdown I've been doing a really good job of losing weight I think was initially put on with the help of the medication and I didn't want to compromise that. But, if I'm honest, returning to the medication has helped me a lot in being able to internalise the truth of my symptoms: that they were/are mild in comparison that those I fear and that they disappear entirely when I'm distracted by exercise or work. Thus, it's another expression of anxiety.

    Which isn't to say that because your symptoms are less transient that they are surely grave; had I not found a fix in the return to my medication, I'd still likely be curled up in bed obsessing over them, perpetuating them. I'm pretty sure our bodies are only too willing to play host to our anxiety and sometimes the symptoms are indefatigable and I was lucky that I had such an escape route.

    I've not been terribly helpful here, I know! But what I would suggest is looking for any opening in the anxiety, meaning that you try to seize on any day, hour, minute or even second during which the symptoms are less severe and use that time to try to reflect. To try to internalise what you might already know but cannot fully believe: that your anxiety can find new ways to torture you and that it feeds on your obsession with it. That you can will the symptoms on just by being aware of them and that there is no specific amount of time anxiety is obligated to last. That mood follows action, and the wallowing really does allow for the further perpetuation of anxiety symptoms.

    Which I kinda hate writing honestly - I'm not a "pull yourself up by your bootstraps!" kinda guy at all and I hate the lack of nuance in that kinda philosophy! But something I learned over the years is you can't as easily think your way out of a rut than you can think yourself into one, and that, however you manage to do it, you need to give yourself the opportunity to recognise and truly believe that the symptoms are ones caused by stress and anxiety. Do the symptoms fluctuate? Are they worse sometimes than others? Do they correlate with things that traditionally stress you out? Consider perhaps keeping an informal diary of your symptoms so you can reflect on patterns of it to give yourself written evidence that the root cause of this all is anxiety.

    Sorry, this is a bit of a stream of consciousness post! I just really empathise because I just came out of something like this myself and I know how scary it is. Hell, I'm still sorta in the throes of it, I've just been able to get free of it enough to truly understand it to be tension caused by anxiety. If only we could give ourselves a break.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jul 2018

    Re: Head Pressure and dizziness for 5/6 weeks

    I’ve been getting the same thing! I’ll wake up in the morning with this pressure feeling. And I thought I was the only one getting that unsteadiness. It’s not dizziness but it feels like nothing is right. Like my head is constantly moving really fast. It’s really strange.

    I’m pretty sure mine have been caused by maybe an ear infection or just sinus pressure. This is because I’m mostly congested and when I wake up in the morning I hear this loud whooshing sound. It’s like there’s a washer in my head. But goes away after a few minutes.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Re: Head Pressure and dizziness for 5/6 weeks


    Am jumping onto this thread as I also am suffering from symptoms very similar and have been experiencing them for at least the past 3/4 years. It seems that when I am in certain environments with other people (especially workplace) I experience what I can describe as a tightness in the head with a foggy / fuzzy feeling which does make me feel slightly off balance and dizzy. This builds during the day (normally starts at 10:30am) like a fog in the head and is near unbearable by 17:00, with this it also feels like my neck is stiff - it's like a slow building vice like grip around the head.

    Have seen doctors / had MRI scan - all back back clear. Been prescribed with various meds (currently Sertraline) however nothing seems to work, I notice that if I miss taking Sertraline for a couple of days I get these strange brain zap feeling when moving my head - very weird. By the time I return home the fog starts to slowly lift and after a couple of hours start to feel like myself again. Trying to explain this to other people is very difficult and they do not seem to understand, I am almost resigned to having to feel like this for the rest of my life unless there is some miracle cure.....

  5. #25
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Head Pressure and dizziness for 5/6 weeks

    You explained this well crispy.
    I agree about stressful situations and places making the situation worse, even people.
    Thinking back I had occasional moments of feeling like this but now it seems more of a regular state.
    It's good to hear from others.
    Also good to hear they got the all clear.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Re: Head Pressure and dizziness for 5/6 weeks

    Hi Carnation,

    I initially thought there was some kind of physical problem, as at it's worst I was experiencing vertigo and (as a gym user) was having trouble placing my feet when running on a treadmill.

    I then thought it was due to not liking the general environment and some of the people at my workplace, however I also noticed the head/neck tightening when in other social situations - I am a season ticket holder at my local football team but starting experiencing dizziness issues when going there around all the people. At a social meal out it became unbearable to the point where I couldn't wait to leave, I literally thought I was hearing things and although could still see ok - my vision was odd - like not being in reality and found it very difficult communicating with others.

    At home or where I feel in control of the my environment and bingo - the problem eases....

  7. #27
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Head Pressure and dizziness for 5/6 weeks

    I wonder if it's connected to depersonalisation. I'm definitely oversensitised and have the vision issues too.
    Not being grounded will also affect.
    I do have it in my home, but not all the time.
    It's certainly a strange feeling.
    But as so many of us have it, it's got to be the affects of anxiety.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Re: Head Pressure and dizziness for 5/6 weeks

    Hi Carnation,

    It is strange that you also experience this at home, this is one of the few safe places I have where I never have a problem, when I explained symptoms of strange eyesight to my Doctor he described it as 'derealisation' which I guess you are experiencing. I believe this is as a result of our nervous system pulling us 'virtually out' of a stressful situation.

    Hope you have a 'brain fog' free day, after arriving back home from work I started to slowly feel normal again and after a jog felt even better still (I find exercise great at relieving tension, also coming home and seeing my pet dog who seems to have more humanity then some of the people surrounding me). At the moment feel normal ish, but expect this to change and go downhill, my colleague seems constantly stressed and sighs and makes general 'noises' which plays havoc with my nervous system.

    Roll on home time and the weekend !

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    Re: Head Pressure and dizziness for 5/6 weeks

    Sorry I haven’t posted for a few days I’ve been feeling rubbish, symptoms are still the same. Ive not wanted to be online much

    Mines at home too, I’ve not been out for months due to covid and doing my work from home also a recovering agoraphobic with health anxiety so just been inside since covid.

    If you have times where its better when you feel in your safe space it is very much likely anxiety.

    It’s just constant for me, head pressure, feeling unsteady and dizzy, head fullness and just generally feeling weird in myself. I do hope it’s anxiety but I’ve lost track of the weeks I’ve had it now must be 8 weeks or so. Just wish it’d stop now, had enough

    Wishing you all the best. I hope everyone’s symptoms pass soon

  10. #30
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Head Pressure and dizziness for 5/6 weeks

    Hi Eevie, I'm much the same. Some days worse a, some days a little better, but it's just different degrees of feeling the same thing.
    I still say it's all down to anxiety, became I've felt this way before, many times but never this intense and with so many symptoms.
    I'm sorry you are still suffering too Eevie, I'm sick of it too and now I have a knee injury, so can't go fast even if I wanted to.
    But Eevie, hang in there, it can't last forever. x

    Sending virtual hugs and to everyone else on here. x

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