Before you have a good chuckle and my lunacy hear me out a second. I've had many occasions where "good luck" has blessed me.

One time a friend sent me a valuable musical instrument at one of my lowest points. Another time a friend sent me £300 to help me out financially. And today a friend helped me out of a financial pickle. There's been more occasions.

But, with every one of these "good luck" occasions it's been when I've been practicing religion. When I've felt a connection to God, and I've felt like I'm on the right track spiritually.

I have read prayer can change energy levels, and in turn influence good things to happen to you. There has been studies on this.

Today was another one of those good acts. I had some issues with finances, work is obsolete at the moment. I was doing my Salat al Asr prayer and while I was doing it my Telegram messenger was going "ding, ding, ding". I let it wait. I got to the computer to see a friend had put money into my bank.

I didn't ask for it, or expect it. It was a random act of kindness.

Meditation is also said to do the same thing and boost positive energy.

Over and out.