I had another schema session yesterday and did an imagery re-scripting exercise. It's purpose was to teach me how to be compassionate to myself and build my self-esteem. We talked a bit about how I feel like my GP and other doctors think I'm crazy because of my health anxiety and how I hate going to them for health worries, because I'm ashamed, but at the same time can't help myself. My therapist asked what evidence I had that my GP or other doctors think that and I realised there was none, it was all my interpretation and assumption and based on my shame about my health anxiety.

That made me realise that I have a lot of assumptions about what people think of me that I don't have any proof is true.

And this negative way of thinking about myself feeds into my fear of being alone, of getting sick and having no one to look after me.

Apart from my big meltdown last week, my health anxiety has been relatively steady though. I'm using a new mantra "If something happens, I'll cope" when scary health thoughts pop into my head.

It's a work in progress, but I do feel progress is being made.