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Thread: Well here we go... 150mg

  1. #101
    Join Date
    Nov 2020

    Re: Well here we go... 150mg

    Hi Kalie, wow they have got you up to that dose quite quickly, do you know why? My doctor only increases me at 37.5mg at a time and I stay on each dose for at least 4 weeks before we look to increase. I do think something else kicks in at 225mg though so that might be it... Ian will be able to advise what.

    My trigger is feeling unwell, but when it's vague and I can't describe it. I always have to know what it is so I can fix it and get better, but when it's difficult to describe or you have quite a few symptoms then I get myself in an anxious state. I've been feeling unwell the last few weeks, my doctor thinks it could be a water infection so I am on antibiotics... My brain keeps saying what if it's something else. We are also super vigilant so any new symptoms.
    I know what you mean about feeling calm but all in your head, it's like we go looking for it, or the tablets help physically but not mentally. I think up to now ven has helped me physically but not mentally, my mood hasn't lifted at all... I wouldn't say i was depressed but I'm not feeling positive or hopeful, when I was on citalopram previously they would help physically then mentally and then I would be better. It does help me getting it all out on here though.

    Back on my CBT activity sheets today and I also have to add in progressive relaxation. Read through the mindfulness stuff and I'm not keen on that to be honest, I will give it a go when I take the dog for a walk later though.

    Always here Kalie if you need a chat. Take care. Ava x

  2. #102
    Join Date
    Dec 2020

    Re: Well here we go... 150mg

    Thank you for replying to me Ava yea I increased quite quickly I started on the low dose of 37.5mg then to 75mg then 112.5mg then 150mg to now 225mg the phyatrist upped I was on venlafaxine 150mg before I fell pregnant a couple of years ago but wasn't advised through pregnancy so went back onto citlapram but it stopped working for me so that's why I went back on venlafaxine my anxiety and attacks have been worse then ever for about 6 weeks now when I got tested positive for covid that's when it all went worse I luckily only had it mildly but I got myself so worked up was in a state saying I'm going to die and that's when my anxiety and attacks went through the roof got my assessment with my phyatrist on the 26th so hoping that maybe there be a combination that works well with venlafaxine that I could try I mean I think the venlafaxine is working in a sense I'm don't go into full blown panic but still more anxious then I would like to be but then I have only been in the increased dose of 225mg for a week hoping for better days for us both.

  3. #103
    Join Date
    Nov 2020

    Re: Well here we go... 150mg

    Hi Kalie, the 225 dose could be the right dose for you and you may not need anything else, I would give this dose a good 6-8 weeks though as ven has taken quite a while to work for me previously going up. I had always been on citalopram before this. On and off for 20 odd years and it always worked quite quickly for me in about 2 to 3 weeks. 20mg was always the dose I had been on, then my anxiety came back while I was on 20mg and I increased to 30mg but it sent me manic. They then tried me on duloxetine which did nothing and also sertraline which again did nothing so here I am on ven. I settled well on 112mg and I was at the dose for quite a while, no anxiety at all, although I was still going over it in my head and I had no lift in mood. The anxiety reappeared in November so here I am at 150mg.

    Been a bit of a struggle today, anxiety has been here all day and I feel quite low. I am about half way through my antibiotics but no let up in symptoms yet... I am due to finish them on Friday night so if I am still having issues I will contact my doctor on Monday. It's also been a week and a half on the 30mg nort, haven't noticed any benefit in increasing the dose as of yet. Still trying to keep on with my cbt activities but it is a struggle.

    At the moment I am experiencing...
    Nausea / Queasy feeling.
    Bra feels too tight in the middle at the front.
    Stomach ache in the upper part of the stomach, can sometimes feel it in my back too.
    And of course not forgetting Anxiety.
    Just feel all round rubbish!!

    My get up and go has most definitely got up and gone.
    I too am hoping for better days for us Kalie.
    Ava x

  4. #104
    Join Date
    Dec 2020

    Re: Well here we go... 150mg

    Hi Ava, I to have been on citlapram on and off for 20 odd years always worked well for me but always after a couple of years would stop working I was upped from 20mg to 30mg but didn't make no different so that's why I changed onto venlafaxine I remember when I last started venlafaxine I was started on 150mg straight away as I also tried steraline and it did nothing but I noticed I felt so much better after a couple of weeks so I was worrying thinking why isn't it working yet I am seeing improvements now been near on 5 weeks on them I still have the anxiety side but not the full on panic attacks I'm hoping the anxiety will soon subside to is the other tablet just to help you sleep I hope you have a better day today take care
    Kalie x

  5. #105
    Join Date
    Nov 2020

    Re: Well here we go... 150mg

    Hi Kalie, I have been on the nort since before I started the ven but only just increased to 30mg, I'm not really sure what that is for, I think because i tense in my sleep and I was waking up with really sore muscles and headaches. I am glad you are seeing improvements, fingers crossed it gets easier and much better from here for you!

    I am feeling dreadful at the moment and I really don't know what is going on or what to do for the best. I am sat at my laptop ready for work but oh my god what a struggle it was, I really feel like I want to get back in bed and sleep but I don't in case what I am feeling is anxiety and depression in which case you shouldn't lie in bed. This is where my trigger really is. When I don't feel well I never know if it's because I have something wrong such as a UTI or stomach bug, or if it's anxiety and depression. If it's an illness that I should be laid up and resting whereas if it's anxiety and depression then I should be making myself do things regardless of how I feel. If I just rest up without knowing that it's something I should be resting for then I lay there with anxiety and mind keeps going backwards and forwards, whereas if I know for certain there is a bug or something then I can rest and just tell myself that. At the moment the doctor thinks I could have a water infection so has prescribed me antibiotics but because we don't know for sure that is what it is and because I seem to be feeling worse at the moment but anxiety is through the roof, I am still pushing myself to do things. I took the dog for a long walk last night and felt like I was going to pass out when I got home, I sat down for a while and it passed but I felt so ill, I went to bed at 8 and slept through till this morning. Today I can't do my jeans up because I can't stand anything pressing on my tummy, and I feel so sick and run down but I never am sick. I feel if I just felt well I could deal with the anxiety much better.

    Wow what an offload and it's not even 9.30.
    Ava x

  6. #106
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Well here we go... 150mg

    Quote Originally Posted by Kalie galea View Post
    I went back on venlafaxine my anxiety and attacks have been worse then ever for about 6 weeks now when I got tested positive for covid that's when it all went worse I luckily only had it mildly but I got myself so worked up was in a state saying I'm going to die and that's when my anxiety and attacks went through the roof
    The symptoms may have been mild, but your immune system was likely working in turbo mode and that may account for some of the anxiety/panic in addition to the psychological trauma of having covid. These (and depression) are arguably auto-immune disorders and infections will often exacerbate them.

    I remember when I last started venlafaxine I was started on 150mg straight away as I also tried steraline
    Were you switched from sertraline to venlafaxine, or did you start if from scratch after being off sertraline for a while, Kalie?
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  7. #107
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Well here we go... 150mg

    Quote Originally Posted by Paradise10 View Post
    I do think something else kicks in at 225mg though so that might be it.
    At around 225mg venlafaxine begins to inhibit noradrenaline (NA), aka norepinephrine, reuptake supposedly making it a SNRI, but it is only a weak effect. The 30mg of nortriptyline you're taking is probably inhibiting NA reuptake more than venlafaxine would even at the maximum 375mg dose. Despite what is says on the box, venlafaxine is really only a SSRI. Fluoxetine, paroxetine and sertraline are more potent NA inhibitors, albeit still only weak ones compared to nortriptyline.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  8. #108
    Join Date
    Dec 2020

    Re: Well here we go... 150mg

    Hi Ava,
    It really is a rollercoaster ride isn't it I mean I'm not as bad as I was when I started venlafaxine I don't go into a full blast en panic attacks but do still get quite anxious like today I've woke up at 3 o'clock and last night I noticed my throat is sore when I turn my head now I'm worrying about that thinking something is wrong and I still have the feeling like I'm just going to stop breathing and I hate that more then anything it gets so frustrating just wanted to feel well and myself again I really hope you have a better day today Ava.

  9. #109
    Join Date
    Dec 2020

    Re: Well here we go... 150mg

    Hi panic down under
    I switched straight from citlapram to venlafaxine started on 37.5mg for 5 days 75mg for 6 days 112mg for 7days 150mg for 14days now 225mg for 11 days I see a little improvement like I don't go into full blown panic attacks but I'm still quite anxious and still get the thought that I'm going to stop breathing and last night I noticed where my tossel/gland is on my neck it hurts when I turn my head so now I'm worrying about that it just seems like one big worry one thing goes another one comes maybe that's all the tablet will work for the panic side of things

  10. #110
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Well here we go... 150mg

    Quote Originally Posted by Kalie galea View Post
    Hi panic down under
    I switched straight from citlapram to venlafaxine started on 37.5mg for 5 days 75mg for 6 days 112mg for 7days 150mg for 14days now 225mg for 11 days I see a little improvement like I don't go into full blown panic attacks but I'm still quite anxious
    Six weeks is about when ADs often begin to kick-in, but previous exposures to ADs can often delay it so it may take some weeks yet before you begin to notice a significant improvement, Kalie.

    and still get the thought that I'm going to stop breathing
    That's the anxiety 'talking'. The breathing reflex is controlled from the brainstem, the most primitive part of the brain which is insulated from much of what happens in other brain areas. If it fails you'll already be in big trouble elsewhere.

    and last night I noticed where my tossel/gland is on my neck it hurts when I turn my head so now I'm worrying about that it just seems like one big worry one thing goes another one comes maybe that's all the tablet will work for the panic side of things
    I can't comment on the neck/throat pain, but I doubt it is related to the breathing issue other than both perhaps being anxiety based. It is persists get your GP to look at it. Anxiety and panic are essentially the same thing mediated by the same brain pathways with severity being the main difference. As per above, it is still early days so don't read too much into the response, or lack thereof.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

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