Hey everyone,

I haven't been on this board in a while. I have been worried about stuff in the meantime but I've noticed my personality shifting a bit. I don't fear death as much anymore so I think my overall hypochondria fear level has gone down even I fear things sometimes. I have more of a "even if that's true oh well" type of attitude.

However, the past couple of weeks I have been sinking down into the ALS hole again and it's giving me the most trouble in a while. I went down this hole for most of late last year and early this year which eventually culminated in me having a EMG last October and a muscle biopsy (!) in December where they extracted a chunk of my leg muscle and left me with a big scar. All eventually came back normal and my symptoms went away after many months.

My main symptoms then were burning fatigue sensations in legs... twitching... particularly twitching fingers but other twitching hot spots as well. These were real symptoms to the point where it was sometimes painful for me to drive because my shin would burn so much just from working the pedals.

So... the new stuff...

About 3 weeks ago I remember I was popping my back a lot during the day. Like I felt like I had this deep crack down low I needed to get out so I was really reaching around and twisting around my chair trying to get it to crack. That night, I felt a strange sensation in top outside area of my left arm (the one that was mainly reaching around my body). At first I wondered if maybe I had over-streteched and irritated it. However, the feelings have continued and evolved.

Now basically every day my left bicep and tricep have fatigue and honestly feel generally weaker. Yesterday to test them I did 30 bicep curls with 25 lb. weights. My left arm today is *much more* fatigued than my right arm which feels essentially normal and not sore at all. I'm very concerned my left arm is deteriorating because of ALS.