I'm sure this question has been asked before but how do we know what's real and what's anxiety?
Every time I try to challenge a thought it always comes back to the same thing - what if this one is real? I know the things I've worried about in the past turned out to be nothing ( or nothing very bad anyway), but what if this is really the first symptom of something serious?

I've had HA for years now so I can't remember what it's like to be normal. How long do you have a symptom or how bad do you let it get before deciding that it might now be worth a trip to the doctor?

I've worried about so many issues over the years, the last thing I want now is to ignore something that I shouldn't ignore.

Are symptoms to us HA sufferers completely blown out of proportion? For example, if we see a drop of blood somewhere it sends us into a panic. Would a non HA person take no notice of it and only get a bit concerned if it happens repeatedly and in rather large amounts. Do we notice and spot things that non HA people wouldn't even see?