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Thread: *Viva Espana!*

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Thumbs up *Viva Espana!*

    Literary Warning : If you haven't time for a no further!!!

    Buenos dias mis amigos!!

    Just had a great time in (excluding the monsoon and storm one evening), hotel and resort all truly perfect - but whether Spain would actually want me back remains to be seen!

    Still, that's another notch on my anx totem pole then lol!!

    We were off to Benalmadena, reputed Retirement Capital of the Costa Del Sol so went to bed the evening before with the following Holiday Check list rattling around my brain:

    1 Zimmerframe
    2 Deep Heat
    3 Moth Balls (?)
    4 Hearing Aid
    5 Vest (to keep out the draught!)
    6 Vic chest rub (in case the vest doesn't work!)
    7 Elastic Stockings (wrinkly ones)
    8 Velcro beach-shoes
    9 Knitted Swimsuit (like me granny used to wear)
    10 Black bin bag for all of the above........................cuz I didn't intend using any of the above lol !!

    Awoke the morning of departure in holiday mood, ignoring the '"What if the plane crashes on take off? What if we get hijacked? What if we get stranded and can't get home?" bits.

    I couldn't believe how very 'un-GG' the first hour went - notice I said the first hour. I was actually ready 20 mins ahead of schedule - drum roll please! Planned time of departure was 09.30.
    0932 sat in car (gg very smug cuz she's had to wait for mr gg this time!)
    0932.5 gg - "ok dahling hubby: "keys? tablets? passports? tickets?" - this phrase produces stunned look from dahling hubby "ah, er tickets....just a moment light-of-my-life" (don't we speak to one another luvly eh?)
    0933 boot of car up, rummage through flight bag - no tickets
    0933.5 re-enter house, lots of banging and shuffling about - no tickets
    0934 boot of car up again - rummage through flight bag - find tickets
    0934.5 dahling hubby - " ah, better just check we have the passports"
    0935 boot up rummage etc. no passports!!
    0936 gg rummages in handbag for RR - and finds none !!
    0936.8 dahling hubby rummages in bum bag on back seat of car - finds passports, waves them smugly at gg. gg not amused.
    0938 finally on way through city centre -
    0939 dahling hubby..... "hope one of the girls comes around and picks up the milk that's in the fridge"
    0939.5 gg - "how much is left?".....dahling hubby "oh a bit...about 1.5 pints"
    0940 gg turns delicate shade of purple and comments at the futility of making a trip from one side of the city to the other just to collect little over a pint of milk "please turn round and go back dahling hubby" (or words to that effect) "it's going down the sink!"
    0941 milk is deposited, rather guiltily cuz it's a waste, down the sink.
    0943 back on the road
    0945 half way round Charles Cross roundabout Plymouth City Centre, middle lane, (and 15 mins behind schedule) gg remembers she has no RR .....oh, and no soap! (she just remembered she forgot to pack it in the wash bag!)
    0946 gg.... " got no RR - or soap"... dahling hubby "that's quite alright my lovely, I'll just pull over and park illegally in the bus-lane and risk prosecution whilst you risk death and nip into the £1 shop and purchase some soap, (because it will be cheaper there than in the airport) and then you can leg it the 100yds to Holland & Barrett and pick up some RR - ok my sweet?"

    GG accomplishes all of the above in record time - only just, having got stuck behind a dithering woman in front of her in H & B having difficulty making up her mind whether she wanted oil of evening primrose or garlic capsules, same difference innit??!!
    0948 gg... "got no fone" ......dahling hubby "no probs my dearest one, we'll just cut across all the traffic and get stuck at all the lights and go right back and see if it's at home ok?"
    0950 gg has light bulb moment and remembers leaving fone on worktop - whilst the milk made it's journey from fridge to drain.
    0955 gg and dahling hubby are finally on route to Bristol airport, 25 mins behind schedule, - after having lovingly exchanged many miscellaneous terms of endearment. She recalls "divorce" "this is the last time!" (isn't that a song by Keane?) and "it wouldn't have been on the worktop if you hadn't left the milk to curdle!" being just three phrases uttered amidst the love-filled aura that eminated from she and dahling hubby.

    Thankfully, the rest of the journey passed without further serious incident and we were 'gg moment' free until we got to Spain....well, if you discount the hastily purchased bottle of RR falling out of left hand pocket at the crucial moment when the tiny metal coffin we were in was climbing after take off!! Tried to concentrate on breathing but ended up looking, and sounding, like a gold fish out of water lol!!

    Oh, and get this, I only got lost three times in the Alhambra Palace in Granda, only very nearly got on the wrong bus once (well, the people in front of me looked like they were from my group (hm, speaking Spanish should have been an indication I spose!) and one bus looks much like any other - doesn't it? and.........only once attempted entry into a room that wasn't ours (well, all the floors were identical and our room no 422 on floor 4 looked very much like room 322 on floor 3 didn't it?!!) I reckon I'm improving don't you? Aaaand....I managed to take a short video of the monsoon and thunder and lightening storm that we had on Wednesday night (unusual for that area we were told - couldn't possibly be anything to do with gg being there of course!)

    Anyway - as usual I've deliberately left out my few wobbly moments because I overcame them with, of course, the help of me mates here and long-suffering dahling hubby ( did contemplate ending the marriage at one point but hey, even though the warranty has run out I've lost the receipt and it would be too much hassle to take him back and demand a refund, so I spose I'lll hang on to him for the next 50yrs or so!)

    So, I've failed yet again to produce an acount that is not novelistic in length and, yet again I apologise - but hope it serves to encourage and help any who read it, especially any newbies!!

    Here’s a link to some piccies!

    Viva Espana !!

    Luv GG xxx

    PS: Oh, special message to Juan (head barman of the Riviera hotel and who makes the best Tequilla Sunrise cocktails this side of Kasakstan) if you're reading this....
    ........."Te Qui Ero, Tengo Abrazos!!"......

    ...Nothing takes the past away like the future...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Thumbs up Re: *Viva Espana!*

    Great Blog GG !!,glad you had a brill. time, did you get to wear your woolly vest? hehe

    Dave xx
    Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: *Viva Espana!*

    LMAO as usual at your escapades

    If there weren't any GG moments then it means you weren't there mate, they are a part of you lol

    Loads a love

    Trac xxxx
    I take the good with the bad, Smile with the sad, Love what I got, And remember what I had.
    Always forgave, But never forgot,
    Learned from my mistakes, But never regret.
    People change, Things go wrong,
    I just remembered...Life Goes On

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: *Viva Espana!*

    Loved the photos too mate


    Trac xxx
    I take the good with the bad, Smile with the sad, Love what I got, And remember what I had.
    Always forgave, But never forgot,
    Learned from my mistakes, But never regret.
    People change, Things go wrong,
    I just remembered...Life Goes On

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: *Viva Espana!*

    Ive been sooooo looking forward to hearing about your hols and it dident dissapoint

    Im sat here with tears running down my face

    You are sooooo funny GG you should write a book

    Great to have You back

    Luv Kaz x x x

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: *Viva Espana!*

    Welcome back lovie

    "Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
    "Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: *Viva Espana!*

    LOL GG

    Welcome back we have missed you hun.

    I just love to read all about your GG Moments So pleased you had such a lovely time i remember visiting Alhambra and Granada myself many years ago, such a lovely place, Loved your photos

    "If you have a worry turn it into a problem, you cant solve worrys but you can solve problems"

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: *Viva Espana!*


    Fab post as ever

    So funny.

    Welcome back and glad you had a fab time

    “Don't be afraid of death; be afraid of an unlived life. You don't have to live forever, you just have to live.” - Natalie Babbitt

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  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: *Viva Espana!*


    i can put money on the fact that if need a smile i'll get one through your books!! oh to have been a bug in your bag on the way to the airport.

    your holiday sounds great, i'm booking me place to come with you next year sorry i hate i'm coming

    i loved the pics, ALL you're talents have yet to be discovered



  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: *Viva Espana!*

    Oh it looks beautiful!

    You look like you had a lovely time

    Welcome back

    Claire xx

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