SOoooo its been A LONG TIME since ive posted.... I am currently dealing with a lot of hair shedding and its freaking me out!!! for the last month or month and a half i have noticed I am losing a lot of hair. Especially when I shower. I am 28 and naturally have thin hair. Im scared im going to lose too much and be bald. I read that stress can cause hair loss which I have been pretty stressed since september when I found out my mom has 3 brain aneurysms.... I am nervous it set it off for me and I will not stop since I can't stop stressing. I keep researching hair loss and looking at photos of my hair previously to see if I notice any bald spots or thinning areas. I am freaking myself out. I keep putting my hands through my hair and every time I have hair on my hand. I just want to stop worrying so bad. I got my thyroid levels checked last week which were in normal range.... I just need it to stop falling out.

I wish I knew if I am just being more aware of it since Im paying so much attention to it.... I set up a appt with a dermatologist but it isn't until the 16th. I also have VERY dry scalp ... flakes everywhere. I live in cold minnesota so it makes sense but my nerves are getting the best of me. Just posting this to hopefully get some comfort by some responses. Someone, somewhere... HELP!!!!!!