Re: Social Anxiety and Phone Calls

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I've actually been offered a work from home job for the time being and will begin training on the phones shortly. I am so scared.
I have always struggled on the phone. It borders on phobic and I avoid answering whenever possible. I also have to use a script with people I don't know or if it's a hospital phone appointment..
Given my issues, maybe you will understand my horror when my boss put me on telesales for 6 weeks when I was too pregnant to do my usual work? I felt physically sick, and actually was sick in the toilets. I was given a script to work off and I had to phone up different chemists and get details from them. The stress response kicked in every damn time, no matter how many times I did it. I sweated like a pig and kept having to use the loo for respite. I was surrounded by young women who looked like they were born attached to a bloody telephone - with their fluffy things stuck to the side of their computer screens! And there was me - as big as a frickin whale and having a silent breakdown. I wish I'd have gone off on the sick but I needed to work my time to get my maternity pay - so I had no choice but to struggle through, and, BOY did I STRUGGLE! It's one of my WORST NIGHTMARES alongside working on a supermarket checkout.
Five years later, I had the reason why I am so shit at verbal communication - I am autistic!
Not saying you are, but I do feel your pain.
I know a couple people who actually dread calls too. Just wondering how common it was and if there was any methods to make it easier?
Hate phones. Hate Zoom. Hate videos. Hate having my picture taken.
Work off a script and say 'Eh?', 'Sorry?' a lot.
Slam the phone down if things go tits up.
Deep breathing before making a call. (hyperventilation when using the phone comes across a bit dodgy, you get me?)
Pull the phone line out.
Pretend I'm not in.
Hope this helps.
A thought is harmless unless we believe it.