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Thread: Mom has covid

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Mom has covid

    My mom just got a positive test. She’s going in to day 5 of symptoms. I have spent the last 9 months panicking about this and now it is like I am watching my worst case scenario unfold before me. She is 64, pretty healthy, no underlying health conditions other than some minor management for high blood pressure. I always figured if I and my husband and kids got covid it would be stressful but fine, statistically with our ages and health it would probably be a nonevent. But my fear all along was my parents would get it even though they have been so careful and isolated this year. And now it’s happening. So far my dad is negative still. I know statistically it’s likely she/they will be fine but living through this is crippling to me.

    I have a lot of superstitious anxiety so I find it really hard not to see this all just being the culmination of a hellish year, my mom dying of this or having a horrendous go of it, landing in hospital, severe complications and lingering issues, plaguing her for the rest of her life. I have images of having to tell my young son his grandma has died and he can’t see her anymore. I have images of her alone in the hospital, her funeral, of my dad living alone after this. Every time I talk to her I wonder if it will be the last “normal” conversation I’ll have with her. Will I look back and wish I had known it was my last chance to say I loved her? I just can’t shake it and I’m really struggling with it. I don’t know how to get through this. She is not crippled by the anxiety in an obvious outward way but I know she is really anxious about it herself too and hearing that fear in her voice just unravels me. I know it’s day 5-10 typically where people can take a sudden turn to severe condition and knowing she’s heading into this zone now is almost too much for me to bear. I don’t know how to cope in the next week or so to get through this. When HA is about myself it’s very bad but different than this where I feel completely at a loss and helpless.

    Also related to the superstitious anxiety - my mom has always tended to have a harder time with respiratory stuff like getting over colds and coughs and stuff so I think that leaves me with a sense of dread and foreboding like well this is it, there’s no way she’ll get through this. And secondly, I just started virtual therapy a couple months ago with a therapist I really like but whose husband suddenly died in an accident years ago when her kids were young and as a result she’s now certified in grief counseling etc because she feels it’s something she can help others with since she’s been through it herself. Since I first learned that I found myself unable to shake the sense that I was “meant to find her” because then she will be a guide when I suffer some great loss in my life. It’s like I’ve been just waiting for this to happen and now I feel like the covid with my mom is going to be it.
    Last edited by bg222; 20-12-20 at 07:54.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Mom has covid

    Bg222 my husband and I are 61, we are recently recovered. I have to say we were all counting the days to get beyond that scary zone when things get bad. What I found is that usually those who get real bad have been progressing in that direction already.. how is she now ? We had textbook symptoms that leveled off around day 5/6 stayed there a few days and then very slowly got better.

    Of the 3 in our house that had it, we all agree it hangs on longer than the flu. I'm at 5 1/2 weeks and still can't taste or smell much at all. I still get a bit winded from time to time. Don't be surprised if she can't quite shake all of the symptoms right away.

    Our younger son had a real hard time with us being sick, I tried my best to reassure him even though I felt pretty crappy, I was ok.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Re: Mom has covid

    Thanks NancyW - I’m so glad you and your family all got through it ok. My mom is definitely mild still. Her sore throat is a little less today and she has a minor headache. No fever at any point yet. A little coughing but not terrible. She ha said many times already that she’s had many colds and or flus that have been way worse than this. Hoping this is all a good sign but you know how HA sneaks in when you’re feeling confident and says “but what if ...”

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Mom has covid

    Quote Originally Posted by bg222 View Post
    Thanks NancyW - I’m so glad you and your family all got through it ok. My mom is definitely mild still. Her sore throat is a little less today and she has a minor headache. No fever at any point yet. A little coughing but not terrible. She ha said many times already that she’s had many colds and or flus that have been way worse than this. Hoping this is all a good sign but you know how HA sneaks in when you’re feeling confident and says “but what if ...”
    Oh yes I absolutely know about HA, it's really a beast, isn't it? Unfortunately my younger son has inherited anxiety from me, or learned it from me (which I tried me best to hide)
    It sounds to me like she is going to be ok. I totally agree with her that I have been sicker with other viruses, but there is so much fear attached to this one and combined with not feeling well, makes it all the harder. In our family, my older son exposed me (he was presymptomatic) I was sick within 48 hours, my husband got it from me about 5 days later, we all had mildish symptoms, we were sick no doubt, but it never escalated.
    You'll be hyper focused for a bit yet .. I am sorry for that, but as the dr told me when he said my test was positive - "you'll be ok, the overwhelming majority of people do just fine."

  5. #5
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    Apr 2014

    Re: Mom has covid

    Oh yes I definitely think my son has inherited the anxiety predisposition from me as well, he’s still very young but I can already see it a bit and that’s been a big motivation for me to work so hard at overcoming this all. They absorb everything and pick up on all the worry and fear we have over things even if we think we are hiding it.

    I also agree such a big part of this is the fear. I found myself absolutely convinced that it would be completely beating the odds for my parents to get through this ok, when in reality it is the other way around. The odds are majorly in favor of them getting through with no issues at all. It’s a mind game. I can often get through the day ok bc I am busy with two little ones, work, household stuff, but it is night time when this stuff really racks me. I am so exhausted I’ll fall asleep fine but then here I am wide awake at 1am, my mind a runaway train of intrusive thoughts and nonstop worst case scenarios.

    I know no one can guarantee anything with this virus (or anything else for that matter) but I appreciate the support from this forum tremendously.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Re: Mom has covid

    My mother had it in October, so did I. My mother is in her early sixties and has underlying health issues. She barely even knew she had it and, in fact, it hit me far worse than it hit her.

    Odds are if they’ve had it for a few days and the symptoms are still mild it’s not really going to get any worse.

    Although age is a risk factor, it’s still very highly unlikely to cause anything other than minor discomfort for a week or so.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Mom has covid

    Hello bg222

    I just wanted to say that I'm in my early sixties too and don't consider myself to be on my last legs just yet! I haven't had covid yet to my knowledge but I'm a carer for my 2 adult children so am fit and there are other illnesses which scare me far more than covid. Not everyone in their sixties is frail and fragile and I'm sure your mom will agree with this! I do hope she continues to make a good recovery and that your dad stays clear of it.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Re: Mom has covid

    Best wishes to your mom. I don't have anything else to add than what's already been said, but I hope for a speedy recovery
    I'm still a work in progress.
    Currently working on: World Domination

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Re: Mom has covid

    Thank you to all for the messages of support. My dad did get a positive test as well but has had mild symptoms so far. He's on day 4 or 5 of symptoms and other than feeling bad the first day or two has had a pretty easy time so far. My mom is now on day 8 of symptoms and is feeling better every day. She still has some congestion and itchy eyes but otherwise is up and moving around, cooking, doing whatever. Neither of them has had much more than a regular cold so really hoping things stay like this and they're in the clear soon. What a horrible mind game this all was / is. I know they are very lucky to have had such mild cases so far when you look at some of the more severe cases that can happen seemingly out of the blue, but I also know this is the most common outcome for people, too. Thanks again for all the support.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Mom has covid

    Really good news!

    I do hope you are able to breathe again and I wish you and your family a very Happy Christmas!

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