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Thread: Venlafaxine again

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Venlafaxine again

    Hi everyone, I was on venlafaxine previously and managed to come off them at the beginning of last year. I was doing ok and then covid happened. Still I managed to muddle through and deal with the increasing anxiety and then my husband caught covid at work (he’s a paramedic) and ended up in hospital. My daughter tested positive a couple of days after my husband and then I was positive a week later. It was awful. And since then my anxiety has gone through the roof. I literally can hardly get out of the house without feeling panicky, I can’t touch anything without feeling contaminated and am constantly cleaning and washing my hands. I work in the nhs so gave no option but to go to work and every day terrifies me. I have also developed terrible health anxiety (which is new for me). Anyway my gp reluctantly prescribed sertraline about a month ago but I had terrible nausea and abdominal pain which just kept getting worse and really heightened my health worries. So I stopped them and the stomach issues disappeared. But my anxiety is still awful. So my gp agreed (again reluctantly) to prescribe venlafaxine again. 37.5mg for two weeks then 2x 37.5mg daily.I nearly started them tonight but then remembered that before I was on the extended release ones. These aren’t. So now I don’t know whether to take them or not? What will the difference be? Do I take at night or in the morning? If I take two is that together or split into two doses? Is extended release better? I can’t ask my gp as I think they are fed up with me already. I hate the email system and you can’t get a telephone appointment never mind a face to face ( not that I’d want that anyway as it would freak me out). Any advice/wisdom about this would be great. I’m now in bed and haven’t taken any and I’m back at work on Tuesday so don’t want to leave it too close to then to try them in case of side effects. Sorry for the long post.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Venlafaxine again

    Quote Originally Posted by Coni2 View Post
    So my gp agreed (again reluctantly) to prescribe venlafaxine again. 37.5mg for two weeks then 2x 37.5mg daily.I nearly started them tonight but then remembered that before I was on the extended release ones. These aren’t. So now I don’t know whether to take them or not? What will the difference be? Do I take at night or in the morning? If I take two is that together or split into two doses? Is extended release better?
    Venlafaxine has a very short half-life hence the slow-release capsules. However, initially it only came in immediate-release tablets. The trick back then was to halve the tablets and take half about 12 hours apart. Pill-cutters are more accurate and less bloody than using a knife, ime.

    I can’t ask my gp as I think they are fed up with me already.
    Small loss. He's an idiot. If you can get a new one asap. GPs are mere hired help, not the minor deities many see themselves as and need to be regularly taken down a peg, or two. We pay them, directly, or indirectly via taxes or insurace, to provide advice, but the final call is always the patient's.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2020

    Re: Venlafaxine again

    I think sometimes it's anxiety telling us our doctors are fed up with us as I sometimes feel like this but when I get there she is lovely. If you truly feel that though then please get another doctor as we should never be made to feel like that. Anxiety is an illness like any other as deserves the same kind of care. I cant comment on extended release and which type is best as I have always had this type, ring the doctors back and ask the receptionist to ask the doctor, don't feel bad as they should have been clear on how to take them. You only take the 37.5 once a day anyway so you can still start them. I started on this dose. X

  4. #4
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    Mar 2020

    Re: Venlafaxine again

    Thank you paradise, so how did you get on taking the 37.5mg once a day? Did you have many side effects? I’ve never been so scared of side effects before but I’m really hyper aware of my health just now and I think every ailment is something serious or covid come back to get me for a second time ��

  5. #5
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    Re: Venlafaxine again

    You sound just like me, I'm also hyper aware of my health too. I had a few side effects with increased anxiety being the worst one. My doc gave me diazepam to help. I also got a few headaches and some agitation. I found days 5 to 15 the hardest then it started to improve. Im now on 150mg and have been for almost 6 weeks. Sadly this is something we have to go through, you might be totally fine though or get different side effects to me. It was worth it though as I am a lot better than I was. X

  6. #6
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    Mar 2020

    Re: Venlafaxine again

    Thank you, that’s really encouraging paradise. I’ve just taken my second ‘half’ tablet before bed. I’ve had quite a lot of ectopic heartbeats today but I get those anyway so I’m trying not to go down the line of thinking the venlafaxine is messing with my heart. I’m due back at work on Tuesday and I’m dreading it. I don’t know how I’m going to get myself out of the house. I’m hoping the venlafaxine will make facing challenges a bit easier though I know it will take time to work. I just can’t wait to not feel this intense fear every single day.

  7. #7
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    Re: Venlafaxine again

    Thanks panic down under. I managed to cut the tablet with a knife (without any bloodshed thankfully) so I’ll see how I get on with half a tablet twice a day. I remember now that the reason I was given the extended release once was because I was terrible at remembering the second dose. I’ll need to try harder this time.

    There was one really good GP in our practice but she has literally just left and I was gutted when I heard. I’d love to change but GP’s in our area will only take patients within a strict geographical area so there is no choice at all sadly. A good GP is definitely worth their weight in gold. But in my experience they are also quite rare.

  8. #8
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    Jan 2017

    Re: Venlafaxine again

    Quote Originally Posted by Coni2 View Post
    Thanks panic down under. I managed to cut the tablet with a knife (without any bloodshed thankfully) so I’ll see how I get on with half a tablet twice a day. I remember now that the reason I was given the extended release once was because I was terrible at remembering the second dose.
    There is a good argument for prescribing split dosing with the slow-release versions of short half-life ADs, and even for medium half-life ADs, but doctors are reluctant to prescribe meds this way because the more times a day we have to take a med the more likely we are to not take them at all. We are such fickle creatures!

    There was one really good GP in our practice but she has literally just left and I was gutted when I heard. I’d love to change but GP’s in our area will only take patients within a strict geographical area so there is no choice at all sadly. A good GP is definitely worth their weight in gold. But in my experience they are also quite rare.
    This is one of the main failing of the NHS, imho. Everyone should be able to select a GP they are comfortable with, not the one geography dictates. Not only would it improve the doctor-patient relationship, but it would weed out the bad ones. Just another item on my long to-do list once I achieve universal domination.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  9. #9

    Re: Venlafaxine again

    Venlafaxine again

    Let me start by saying, these are my thoughts only. I have read lots of feeds about this drug. Not one of them has been positive about it. I have been on venalfaxine for about 20 years. I take 300mg a day, in my bad times it can only be upped by 75mg. That's the maximum dose.
    Although at the beginning, I was terrible with the side effects, fuzzy head, excessive sweating, mania and sometimes depression. Today I couldn't cope without them.
    I do split my dose, morning and afternoon. Normally 9am, and then again at 3pm. By this time, I have no energy or get up and go and there isn't enough money in the world to get me out of my cave until I've had them. Taking them really does make me feel better,
    energized, more awake to life. My mind, slows so I can deal with it better.
    Having said that, I am my own worst enemy, You'd think after all this time, I'd have it down, but no I am terrible at getting my meds so at times I do have to go without. I DO NOT RECOMEND THIS. I can't shout it enough. The withdrawal from this sends me over the top. Highly emotional, crying uncontrollably, no rational thoughts, sometimes suicidal, panic and anxiety and an over whelming need to get away from me. I don't feel safe in these times. Once I have my tablets again, it takes a short'ish time, maybe an hour or so to feel like me again. I then am very drained, and my mood is low for a while. I think what happens next is partly me, not the meds, but feel it needs mentioning. I am very good at beating myself up, self harming (picking at myself until I bleed over and over.) I have a lot of scars on my face, arms, legs even my bottom due to this, which only makes me angry at myself more. Then, the punishment is picking again, crazy I now. When I'm anxious I pick without realizing. I cannot leave them alone, a little flake of skin loose becomes a large tear. This hurts but I somehow think I deserve it. I wouldn't say, that the venalfaxine is a cure for me but it definitely helps. As I said I'd be lost without them.
    I hope this gives a different view of these tablets.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Venlafaxine again

    Quote Originally Posted by Enola79 View Post
    I am terrible at getting my meds so at times I do have to go without. I DO NOT RECOMEND THIS. I can't shout it enough. The withdrawal from this sends me over the top.
    Withdrawal is not the only potential problem with missing doses. There is evidence antidepressants, especially the SSRIs, and despite the claims venlafaxine is only a SSRI, not SNRI, may become progressively less effective every time they are stopped and restarted, often requiring higher doses to achieve the previous level of control, or not working at all (see: Bosman RC, 2018; Amsterdam JD, 2016; Amsterdam JD, 2009; Amsterdam JD, 2009; Leykin Y, 2007; Paholpak S, 2002).

    Missing a dose or two once in a blue moon is unlikely to be significant, but often skipping them for days at a time could be.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

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