Hi all,

Long time lurker and all round anxious type with my first post as I'm feeling really stressed tonight.

I've been on PPIs (Rabeprazole/Pariet) for 5 years with a few breaks in between. I have GERD and gastritis (had an endoscopy and 3 years ago but no cause was found and I was negative to H. Pylori).

Today I saw something about people on PPIs being at higher risk of severe COVID and some Googling revealed there are studies that show long term use is linked to kidney disease, heart disease, dementia and a bunch of other scary things. I did find one study in June 2019 that showed there was no increased risk of disease found, but I can't help but worry now. Also I don't know why my GP has had me on this drug for so many years. Surely she knows the risks and should have told me. Of course she is on holidays until next month but I want to stop taking the Pariet straight away.

This on the back of a full on panic last night after reading about Zantac being recalled. Both my kids had that for months as babies due to severe reflux. They are now teenagers and I'm so scared what the consequences might be for them and now for me with the PPIs. God I hate reflux so much I could cry. So many regrets for taking these drugs and giving them to my kids.

I know what's done is done and I'll have to face the consequences if they come, but how to get the worry under control? I'm too afraid to take anxiety medication (ironic I know given the content of this post) and my mind races too much so I'm hopeless at meditation.