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Thread: Just not feeling well

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2018

    Just not feeling well

    Hi, hope everyone is doing well.

    I've suffered with anxiety since my teens (I'm 42 now) and my HA is long and complex, however, the past few months, and despite the fact we are all facing this pandemic, I've been doing pretty great. This is down to some great advice from the people on here and trying to re-train my brain.

    Anyway, I've suffered with ectopic beats for a few years now and I have periods where I hardly get them and some where I get a few but I've been learning to deal with them but, if I ever get a big one or a big flutter, I'm off on the panic again and it's a downward spiral...I seem to get them most around a week to a few days before my period. The other night I had a big thud in my chest that sent me off on a panic and then the day after my 2 year old had a very nasty fall onto her face whilst she was with my mother in law so I was very stressed the day after and then more ectopic started, more panic, more ectopics...

    I've not been sleeping well. I go to bed late, wake up a lot etc. I know I have a lot of stress at the moment as I am working full time (working on the legal side of the covid19 vacc sites funnily enough!) and am having to homeschool my 8 year old who has autism and have my 2 year old 2 days a week when we don't have childcare so I rarely have any time to switch off or to dedicate to myself. I guess I am pretty stressed.

    The last few days I've been feeling tired and a bit woozy. That's the best way I can describe it. My eyes also feel heavy. It's not like a lightheadedness or dizziness as such, more just a spaced out feeling which I've had many times before but the feeling just causes me to panic. I don't know if it's tiredness but my anxious mind keeps telling me it's my heart. I've also been feeling nauseous too and my reflux flares up when I've been stressed and not eating great.

    For background. I've had numerous 24hr ecgs, 7 day recording, echo and bloods and been discharged from cardiology twice with ectopics and anxiety. I had a load of bloods done last August and all that showed up was slightly low iron which I needed to rectify through diet.

    Do these sound like anxiety symptoms? I get a trigger and then I start feeling ill but then I just end up thinking I've got something wrong with me and my anxiety goes into overdrive. I woke up numerous times last night checking my pulse. I feel very depressed this morning like I can't function.

    Any advice or input would be great x

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: Just not feeling well

    Honestly, it sounds like anxiety and maybe a touch of depression. You've got a lot going on, it's not surprising you're feeling drained and a bit woozy. I know I am, and I don't have half as much on my plate as you do.
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    Sometimes, it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness. - Terry Pratchett

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Just not feeling well

    Quote Originally Posted by Honeyskye View Post

    Anyway, I've suffered with ectopic beats for a few years now and I have periods where I hardly get them and some where I get a few but I've been learning to deal with them but, if I ever get a big one or a big flutter, I'm off on the panic again and it's a downward spiral..
    Most people have them at some time or other. They're not harmful in an otherwise healthy ticker - which yours is. When I get them, I cough and it stops them. Also, try taking magnesium. I started taking it to help with constipation and as I found that it all but stopped the ectopic beats. Worth a try?

    I seem to get them most around a week to a few days before my period.
    Hormones are generally imbalanced the week before. I was always a bit psycho the week before, and anxious etc, but things settled once my period kicked in. It was just pain and inconvenience then..

    am having to homeschool my 8 year old who has autism and have my 2 year old 2 days a week when we don't have childcare so I rarely have any time to switch off or to dedicate to myself. I guess I am pretty stressed.
    Is your son in mainstream? Speak to the school if the home-schooling is too much. My son is autistic (special school) and he has PDA traits. He won't do homework because, to him, there must be a clear separation between home and school. We tried it last year when the school had to close through staff shortage, and his mental health (and mine) went through the roof. In the end, we e-mailed school and told them we wouldn't be doing it as his mental health must come first. School has just shut down today for a week, and my son is reading, but no homework. Not even going there. He'll catch up when he goes back.

    Do these sound like anxiety symptoms?
    Yes. Nothing you've said makes me think this is anything other than anxiety.

    I woke up numerous times last night checking my pulse.
    I cannot stress this enough: DO NOT KEEP CHECKING YOUR PULSE

    If you're waking up with your heart racing - this is just anxiety. If you do some deep breathing, this will turn off the fight or flight (stress response) and the ANS (Autonomic Nervous System) will be turned on and all those unpleasant symptoms will calm down. It's a normal bodily function and the deep breathing works. The only thing that checking your pulse will do is to make your heart race even faster! If you are using an electronic device to check your pulse, get it out of your bedroom - better still - bin it!

    I feel very depressed this morning like I can't function.
    Stress and broken sleep will make you feel exhausted and it will make you feel down and less able to cope..

    That's what's happening here.

    You're not physically ill - you have anxiety.

    Don't worry about loss of appetite - just eat little and often. Drink ginger tea for nausea (always works for me) and peppermint tea for any IBS type gubbins. X
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    , , Australia.

    Re: Just not feeling well

    Great advice Nora
    Don't believe everything you think.

    Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Re: Just not feeling well

    I am struggling with the same , but been a bit dizzy I am trying so hard to sort my head out re thoughts etc. I zoom into every little thing my body feels. My job has been so stressful and now I have had to go off because I need to get well. Nora s advice has helped me ty.

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