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Thread: Crease in breast above vein

  1. #1

    Crease in breast above vein

    hello everyone,

    I have a question and looking for some reassurance. End of 2017 I discovered a crease in my left breast (next to nipple and straight above a vein). it was a little bit visible when lifting my arm but much more visible when pulling my skin from above the crease. i got it checked and the doctor said i should not pull on the skin because then you manipulate your skin.

    Didn't think of it for years and offcourse my anxiety on this thing is back since this weekend.... it is still very slightly visible when raising my arms but much more visible when i pull/lift my skin up (from collarbone to above breast). next week i have my half yearly appointment with the surgeon so she can check my breasts because i can't due to anxiety. i will ask her if this is a real dent or just lazy ligaments.

    anyone any experience with dents or creases that dit not turn out to be cancer? my main concern is lobular, because it is really hard to feel and creates indents.... i really don't like the look of it but i know it was there a few years ago.

    Last edited by sunshinepas1982; 18-01-21 at 14:23.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Crease in breast above vein

    anyone any experience with dents or creases that dit not turn out to be cancer?
    Errr yeah, a number of them, that have increased with age and show exactly like you are describing. Your 2017 fear, if it had been anything sinister at all, by now would be so out of control that you'd not be concerned about 'a little dent' youd have major and obvious breast tissue changes. Depending on a type of cancer and its grade, you'd have symptoms which were extensive. Pulling up the breast tissue as you describe does cause dents.

    i really don't like the look of it but i know it was there a few years ago.
    So, it is therefore normal for you, and you are worrying about a normal part of your anatomy.

    A quick question, why are you having 6 monthly breast surgeon checks ? Is there some family predisposition or past problem with breast cancer ?

  3. #3

    Re: Crease in breast above vein

    hi Carys

    thanks for the quick respons, really appreciate it! the reason she checks is because i am extremely scared for breast cancer, no idea why. and to prevent me going there almost every month, we agreed on this schedule. gives me peace and it takes only 15 minutes or so.

    And you are right about the dent should have been much much bigger by now. but i am uncertain the dent was there and that it looked like how it now looks. but i do have a picture from 2017 which it is somewhat visible and ofcourse the report from my visit then.

    you say you also have these kinds of dents/creases? for me it looks like a stretchmark but it isn't. it is almost if the skin right above the vein is thinner. and the crease is exactly where the vein is. doesn't that sound weird?? it is like the vein collapses or sinks (??) if i pull the skin thight in the length of the vein and that is what makes the crease. really weird..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Crease in breast above vein

    Yes, it is exactly like that, a sort of stretchmark appearance, but the skin looks thinner and as if there is 'nothing' underneath it. I don't know why you find it so weird that pulling the vein makes it crease, I can do the same thing on multiple parts of my body (and yes, I just tried). You do realise that by seeing the doctor every 6 months you are having as much checking as someone who has breast cancer, and you haven't. I think you should be working on facilitating your own checking to be honest, as you aren't aware what your 'normal' is. If its always a medical professional that checks then how will you learn your own anatomy to check ? Breast cancer of course is a massive fear on this forum, but I'm telling you something, anyone who is wondering and asking 'is there something wrong' generally has nothing wrong.

  5. #5

    Re: Crease in breast above vein

    hi Carys

    well i do examine myself, so i know how it feels but every little thing scares me, and i haven't found a way yet to cope with this, other than she examines me. my left breast is much denser than right so no way i can compare both breasts. plus i have severe fibrocystic breasts and a benign lumpectomy in the left breast a few years ago. so for me not to freak out everytime, this checking seems the most helpful but i understand your concern!

    for the crease thing; i thought i didn't explain it very well and maybe you thought it was just a stretchmark but now you said: "pulling the vein makes it crease", so i guess i did explain it right . and this probably is something normal. If it becomes deeper or something else is off i will be able to tell. i will ask the doctor also, but your response makes me morning a good morning thank you for that!!

  6. #6

    Re: Crease in breast above vein

    I'm a bit of a lurker on these forums but thought i'd say hi (hello ) Is it a vertical crease that runs down the outside of your boobie? I have them on both sides (left is more visible but only in certain light) in the areas of 'veins'. Not visible when arms down but when arms up - hello crease! My understanding of 'dodgy' dents / creases is that you cant stretch out the 'dent' as something nasty is pulling it from underneath. If you pull it from the sides, does it disappear? Ive just checked mine and voila - more noticeable if pulling from the top. Hope that helps. I have severe boobie health anxiety too, so sympathise. Ive had many scans over the past 1.5 years so I can only assume this is normal due to ageing / breastfeeding.

  7. #7

    Re: Crease in breast above vein

    hi Bobby,

    it is vertical, but more next to my nipple. about 1 inch long. on the right side i have more of a fold of the breast on the whole length of the breast, but this thing on the left seems almost like the skin above the vein is stretched out and thinner than other skin. i don't know i did the test and if i pull my skin in the direction of my head it becomes more visible. if i stretch it from side to side, when the crease is visible, it does straighten out. but if i pull more towards my head it becomes more visible. Does the test also "count" if i pull my skin and the crease becomes more visible but also straightens out if i then pull from side to side?

  8. #8

    Re: Crease in breast above vein

    Try and focus on the positives: its been there, unchanged for many years and you can pull the skin for it to disappear. From what you're saying is it sounds normal but if you are truly worried, really the only person who can confirm what it is is a GP.

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