Hi Everyone
I've posted a few times on here I've been on my new meds for around 5 weeks now venlafaxine started on 37?5mg for 5 days 75mg for 6 days 112mg for 7 days 150mg for 14 days and now on 225ng for 11 days although I am improving better then when I first started them I don't go into full blown panic attacks but I am still quite anxious like last night I kept thinking that I'm going to stop breathing and I woke up at 3am the same way I also started getting a pain in my tossel/gland area of my neck so worrying about that to but I'm thinking these things but I'm not getting the racing heart the shakiness that normally comes with it when worry so I don't know if this is making me more anxious or what or weather that's all the tablet is going to do and stop the attacks but still have all the anxiety I just so frustrated thinking something is wrong with me