A little background: I'm mortally afraid of two things in particular - icy ground and medical stuff. I won't leave the house is there's even a dusting of snow, and I once went 12 years without seeing a GP.

So, today I needed to get to work with a couple of inches of snow on the ground, and I needed to take a covid test once I was there. I didn't sleep well last night, and a couple of hours before I was due in I was preparing my excuses to take a personal day even though it would have really messed things up for the rest of the team. I woke my husband to explain this to him, that my legs were shaking so hard I couldn't walk and I was ready to vomit from panic (both true).

He was having none of it. He went out and checked the external steps to make sure they were safe (they were, he'd swept them last night) and then repeated this whenever I asked (he's quite good at not putting up with my nonsense but he knows when to humour me). When I suggested an Uber because I was afraid to walk to the bus stop, he made clear he wasn't going to judge me SO LONG AS I WENT THE F*** TO WORK.

I went. I didn't back out of the test, which I'm glad about because it was genuinely nothing. I'm now in work feeling mildly guilty about the Uber but otherwise pretty good.

When I tell people on here that they're being ridiculous, it's not out of spite. It's because anxiety really messes up how you perceive the world and sometimes the most loving thing a person can do is tell you to get the f over yourself.

I hope everyone else here manages to push a boundary or two today.