So I've been putting this off for so long. My blood pressure has been high for a good while now. I've been having on and off pain in my right stomach side, so scared that it could be something bad, I thought it was over the ovary area so was thinking something bad with that, but the pain is there and other areas of stomach too, and lower back mostly on the right hand side. I feel sick on and off, have a lot of acid reflux, I have been waking up since last year now with red/brown stains on my pillow from my mouth. I have tingling in my thumb mostly but can be all fingers. sometimes I get a little tingling on the left side of my face as well. I have had a lot of high stress for years now, more so over the past two. I have severe anxiety issues too. I hardly ever leave the house so I'm very sedentary which I know isn't good and my fitness is awful now.

I forced myself to phone the doctors this morning, mainly because my partner's blood pressure is sky high and his health worries me, so I've made phone appointments for us both.
Now I'm so nervous about the phone call and what's going on with my health, which has been a constant worry for a long while now.