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Thread: Started Mirtazapine Side effects normal?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2019

    Started Mirtazapine Side effects normal?

    Hi all I started 15mg of mirtazapine and am on day 3 of taking them...Day one felt drunk like in morning and extremely out of it and irritable, more anxious and down all day. Day 2 actually had restless sleep and felt out fo it (spacey) and irritable, more anxious and down. Today is Day 3 and restless sleep, out of it (spacey) and irritable, more anxious and down. Have others experienced similar? Hunger hasn't been bad

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Started Mirtazapine Side effects normal?

    Quote Originally Posted by 4bready View Post
    Hi all I started 15mg of mirtazapine and am on day 3 of taking them...Day one felt drunk like in morning and extremely out of it and irritable, more anxious and down all day. Day 2 actually had restless sleep and felt out fo it (spacey) and irritable, more anxious and down. Today is Day 3 and restless sleep, out of it (spacey) and irritable, more anxious and down. Have others experienced similar? Hunger hasn't been bad
    Mirtazapine is a potent antihistamine which can be very sedating, especially at low doses, hence the "drunk like" feeling and of being out of it. All ADs may produce a range of side-effects at the start and take weeks to begin having a positive affect. The side-effects don't indicate physical harm. You will likely need to take at least 30mg for optimum results.

    Edit: from another thread:

    Quote Originally Posted by 4bready View Post
    SO I stopped the Trintellix as I couldn't get over nausea...
    Did you try any of the remedies I suggested?

    I did gene test and I should not take SSRI's...
    I have little faith in gene tests for selecting ADs. They may prove useful in the future as understanding grows about how to interpret the results, but atm they are mostly snake-oil.

    ...I have tried (Prozac, Zoloft, Lexapro, Luvox, Trintellix, Cymbalta, Buspar) and now Mitrazapine and all I can never get over side effects...sadly I feel there is no hope for me with med
    Duloxetine (Cymbalta), buspirone (Buspar) and mirtazapine (Remeron) are not SSRIs. Of the ADs you've tried what was the highest dose taken, how long were you at that dose and why did you stop?
    Last edited by panic_down_under; 28-02-21 at 04:45.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2019

    Re: Started Mirtazapine Side effects normal?

    Thanks for the response...So I did try gin-gins and supplement that had vit B6 but it didn't help. I also had insomnia issues with trintellix. AS far as Prozac (40mg), Lexapro (10mg) I was on those for at least 6 months to a 1-2 years and I almost always had sleep issues, irritability. I would fall asleep no problem then wake up 3 hours later and be up for like 2-3 hours. It didn't matter if I took in morning or evening.

    So mirtazapine is an anti histamine? I have high histamine issues as well.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Started Mirtazapine Side effects normal?

    Quote Originally Posted by 4bready View Post
    Thanks for the response...So I did try gin-gins and supplement that had vit B6 but it didn't help. I also had insomnia issues with trintellix. AS far as Prozac (40mg), Lexapro (10mg) I was on those for at least 6 months to a 1-2 years and I almost always had sleep issues, irritability. I would fall asleep no problem then wake up 3 hours later and be up for like 2-3 hours. It didn't matter if I took in morning or evening.
    SSRI/SNRI induced insomnia is quite common, at least in the beginning. It usually diminishes after some weeks, but can linger for some.

    SSRIs/SNRIs are not the only ADs, or arguably the most effective. Given your history you may respond better to one of the older TCA antidepressants such as amitriptyline (Elavil) which also has considerable antihistamine properties. Something to consider should mirtazapine not work for you.

    So mirtazapine is an anti histamine? I have high histamine issues as well.
    It is a more potent antihistamine than some meds marketed as antihistamines.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

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