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Thread: Does Vitamin B - Complex help with low moods?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Worried about taking Vitamin B - Complex

    Hi, I need a bit of a lift/pick me up, specially every morning before work i dread going in even though my job is easy, i just don't have the energy to face the day ahead, is this something that can help? Has it helped anyone here with low mood? Thanks.
    Last edited by JustBenn; 03-03-21 at 21:48.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Does Vitamin B - Complex help with low moods?

    There isn't really a yes/no answer to this as it depends on what you may or may not be deficient in, combined with the other factors that are making you feel the way you do.

    For me, diet was a massive, massive factor in my mental recovery. This doesn't mean my diet is perfect (far from it), but it does mean that what I eat is 80% high quality whole food, with at least 5-10 portions of veg (not fruit) per day. I have some fruit on top too.

    You cannot underestimate how important it is to your overall functionality and wellbeing. I don't personally believe a single supplement would make any difference whatsoever unless you had a known severe deficiency, but give it a go. Even if it works as a placebo, win.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Re: Does Vitamin B - Complex help with low moods?

    My healthy balanced diet is non existent, no fruit or veg today, or any other day, i live alone so i live on pasta, takeaways, fry ups, fast food and crisps and chocolate, this isnt anything new the tiredness started a year ago, but i will get my act together soon.

    i just cant handle dragging myself to do anything anymore, i need something now, I'm still wary about taking b complex,

    Are we allowed to include, b complex, vitamin D3 and multivitamin and take all at the same time?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Does Vitamin B - Complex help with low moods?

    You cannot out supplement a bad diet, period. You are eating the worst possible combination of foods for wellbeing.

    Not a rant, just personal experience. I'm not a food nazi, I still eat pizza etc, I just don't eat it 80% of the time. The tiredness you are feeling is your diet catching up with you, partially at least. Eventually the body just gives way and you don't have anything left in the tank any more. This is usually combined with getting a bit older (I mean no longer in your early 20's) and/or stress and other factors.

    Honestly, I wouldn't waste time with supplements, I would focus on fixing the diet.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Re: Does Vitamin B - Complex help with low moods?


    I will just add on what Ankietyjoe pointed out correctly: not only can you not supplement bad food , but it is not advisable , medically, to supplement unless you are deficient, which only a blood test can show. It sometimes may be even dangerous, not with every vitamin, but with some.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2019

    Re: Does Vitamin B - Complex help with low moods?

    I've felt like that before. Can be anything but chances are you are just fed up with the restrictions. Some people also feel worse in winter due to lack of sunlight. I would start by exercising (obviously only if you are well enough to do so), eating well and speaking to people (obviously it would need to be via zoom or something).

    I find laughing a good pick me up so watch some comedies?

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